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Blogs in People Search

Writing about web page

As some of you may have noticed, we are currently trialling a new People Search application as part of the Warwick website search at - these results also appear on general searches on the Warwick website.

As part of the results for this, we display the user's Warwick Blog or e-Portfolio if they have one, and so if you have a Warwick Blog (or an e-portfolio), you'll find that your blog appears in search results, which may or may not be something you'd like to happen.  For example, a search for Mat Mannion reveals a Warwick Blog:

Mat Mannion

If you don't want your blog to appear in search results, you can turn off "Show in blog directory" from your blog's Settings page. Click here for more detailed instructions - it may take up to a week for the directory to update and for your blog to be removed from results.

If the wrong blog appears for your name, you can leave a comment on this entry or email us at - this usually happens because the wrong blog is marked as your "personal" blog; we can change which blog is marked as your personal blog for you.

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