October 11, 2004

BlogBuilder update

It's been a little while since I posted an updates. However, quite a few changes have been going on in the background.

  • Improvement: HTML is no longer allowed in comments
  • Improvement: Real number of blogs is shown on the homepage (it wasn't including some before). We now have 1200 blogs!
  • New feature: You can now click the little icon on the groups/contributors pages to get a search form to help you find users
  • New feature: There is now a proper directory of blogs. You can browse blogs by A-Z or do a search.
  • Improvement: Collections by department/module should be much quicker now.

- 8 comments by 3 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Any chance of getting traffic reports?

    11 Oct 2004, 10:18

  2. Chris May

    I presume you mean page-hit statistics for individual blog entries?

    It's kind of hard to measure, because of the collections. For example, if your entry shows up in the 'recent entries' page, and someone views that page, should that count as a hit on your blog? After all, the viewer may not have read your entry at all. Similarly all the other aggregate pages – e.g. listing all new entries in IT services / History / wherever.

    Maybe we could have two sets of stats – number of times your blog entry has been read directly (e.g. the number of requests for link ) and the number of times that that entry has been served as part of a collection page.

    11 Oct 2004, 10:30

  3. Steve Rumsby

    Just to complicate matters further, how should blogs read via RSS feeds show up?

    11 Oct 2004, 11:21

  4. Indeed. It would be pretty tricky. However, I do agree that stats in some shape or form are important. The problem is getting it right and not just putting up some numbers that will delude people…or depress them.

    11 Oct 2004, 11:54

  5. Andrew Ingram

    Good improvements, especially the first one.

    11 Oct 2004, 12:41

  6. all good.

    I heard we have overtaken harvard as the most blogging university? (ie: most number of blogs)

    Is this true?

    15 Oct 2004, 15:15

  7. We have indeed. Harvard have around 600 blogs, we have over double that now. The real question is actually how many people are actively blogging, we don't have an easy way of telling that from Harvard, but with twice the blogs, you can be pretty sure we are more active than them.

    15 Oct 2004, 15:18

  8. All great news. How do you guys do it? The personal profile page is a great addition. And sure, we're way out ahead of anyone, Harvard Law included. I take my hat off to you. And my … no, that might get me into trouble (:

    15 Oct 2004, 22:04

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