October 11, 2004

"About me" pages

You can now create an "About me" page on your blog. If you go to your blog admin screen, there is a new option called "Edit Profile". Just go in there and enter a few fields and BlogBuilder will auto-generate an "About me" page for you. Some features:

  • You get to choose who can see your "About me" page
  • You can pick a photo to put on there
  • It will automatically put some information about your blog in there for you, such as latest entries, links to galleries, links to collections you are in, etc…
  • You can customise the page to only show certain elements. If you wish to essentially build your own page, just tick the "Show only freeform" checkbox and you can ignore all the auto-generated stuff.

For a first draft we've tried to make that page nice and simple, but hopefully we can improve this page further in the future, so if you have any feedback, please let us know.

- 2 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Chris May

    Cool! It would save some irritation, though, if the ' back to blog manager ' button was labelled 'throw away all my changes because I forgot to click the teeny tiny update button, then take me back to the blog manager'.

    11 Oct 2004, 13:08

  2. Hei hei! It's a cool project. Well, much better than all of the warwick websites. Except… can I ask technical questions here? Or should I shhhhh and contact someone in particular?

    19 Oct 2004, 21:37

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