All entries for Wednesday 23 November 2005

BlogBuilder update

We've done a few minor changes to BlogBuilder in the last week or so. Primarily we've been upgrading some of the stuff on the server side that you wouldn't notice. We've upgraded to Java 5 and JBoss 3.2.7 which makes things easier for us and improves performance. You may have noticed a few small moments of downtime but hopefully nothing too annoying.

A few small changes that you might or might not notice or care about:

  • My comments now correctly shows entries that have recently had non logged in comments. Before it was only pushing entries to the top that had recent logged in comments
  • Improved accessibility of the comments popup windows as per Alan's suggestion
  • RSS feeds now have comment counts in them for readers that support this

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  • Hi, Do you have a list of keyboard shortcuts? I can see Ctrl+b for Bold and Ctrl+i for italics works… by Mike Downes on this entry
  • I don't know what I have done and I have 2 blogs… definitely practise by on this entry
  • I am aiming to achieve better organisation and planning skills and focus on how to deal with disrupt… by on this entry
  • N.B. we responded directly to Sian when this query was asked via another channel. For reference, Fee… by Simon Harper on this entry
  • I was pleased to see this change: "We've modified the Atom API to allow setting of arbitrary permiss… by Sian Prosser on this entry
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