May 09, 2008

Belt up.

There was a story on the radio just now about the high number of young drivers who don't wear seatbelts. When asked if they wore a seatbelt, one sense of reality challenged goon replied "Nah never, 'cos I just don fink it's wurf it". Given that wearing a seatbelt costs exactly nothing and it can make the difference between walking away from a car wreck and being dead, how the *&%$ can it be considered 'not worth it'? I hope the afore-quoted person is involved in a horrific but not quite fatal car crash involving no other parties from which they fully recover but only after many months of rehabilitation throughout which they are berated with constant reminders of how it could all have been avoided and the costs incurred both financial and otherwise whilst Girls Aloud's greatest hits is played to them over and over and over.

- One comment Not publicly viewable

  1. Nicholas

    1 word: Darwinism.

    12 May 2008, 12:07

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