All entries for Monday 28 December 2009
December 28, 2009
Find screen resolution from Mac OS X command line.
Today I found myself wondering if it was possible to find the current screen resolution from the command line (and hence from a shell script) in Mac OS X. My first thought was to try the same method I use in Linux which is extract it from the output of xdpyinfo. That turned out to be no use though. Firstly running xdpyinfo causes to launch, which is messy. Second, I rather suspect that if isn't installed then neither is xdpyinfo and X11 is an optional install pre-Leopard. Finally, it gives me the wrong value for the vertical resolution. My screen resolution is 16080x1050 but xdpyinfo says:
case:~ mike$ xdpyinfo | grep dimensions
dimensions: 1680x1028 pixels (445x272 millimeters)
It's probably incorrect to say that it's giving the wrong value for the vertical resolution. More likely I expect is that it's the correct value for what it's measuring but what it's measuring is not what I want to measure. I find myself wondering if the Mac OS X Menu Bar (MenuBar? Menubar?) is 22 pixels high but I don't feel inclined to check.
I couldn't find any other method of getting the screen resolution via Google so the method I came up with to get the horizontal resolution is:
$ defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/$(/sbin/ifconfig en0 | grep ether | cut -d " " -f 2 | sed 's/://g') | grep " Width =" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | sed 's/[ ;]//g'
To get vertical resolution replace 'Width' with 'Height'. It's rather long winded, but it works. I don't like the grep cut sed stuff at the end but I couldn't find a way to get the defaults command to directly read the relevant value.