All entries for Wednesday 21 October 2009

October 21, 2009

A Short History of Nearly Everything

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This book which attempts to give you an overview of how stuff works, from the Universe at large to down to the cells that comprise your own body. It was recommend to me by a friend and having read some of their copy I bought my own. Overall I enjoyed it, though it was little inconsistent in holding my interest and the author does talk rather a lot about the people who discovered things compared to what they discovered.

The book is not quite as long as it's thickness suggests, at least not the part you want to actually sit and read. The end of it caught me by surprise as there was still a good half centimetre thickness of pages left. Those pages are largely taken up with citations of sources for the myriad of facts contained within the book.

If you want to know more follow the link for a whole bunch of reviews by people with more inclination for writing them than I can currently summon.

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