All entries for January 2020
January 02, 2020
Books, Turkey and Interviews
Here it is, Merry Christmas! The previous two weeks have been the lead up to Christmas and I’ve had some much needed down-time and relaxation. I’ve been doing some reading, and you guessed it, its medical. I’ve been reading ”Unnatural Causes”, which is the autobiography of a forensic pathologist who performs post-mortems and visits crime scenes when the police are suspicious about the cause of death. It’s quite interesting learning about a doctor who has a role which involves no work with (live!) patients. It goes to show that the medical profession is a broad church, with lots of different potential roles.
Another thing which always happens at Christmas is the inevitable questions from family members about their medical problems and the inevitable awkward explanation that I am not in fact a doctor at all….Most awkward is when grandparents introduce me as the doctor which of course isn’t true and I have to explain that I’m only a student with basically very little useful knowledge at all. Unless they want to know the steps in the vitamin D cycle of course (probably not very useful…)
This week I also received an email from my research project supervisor about my project. Now you may remember that I have now submitted my project, but we both think there may be something interesting in our results. To that end, we want to maybe do some more work on the project or look to submit an article to a journal. My supervisor emailed me with some leads on where we could take the project next, and I just need to consider the best way forward. Watch this space!
I think the interviews for Warwick have taken place already and most applicants will be waiting to hear back. Good luck if you are waiting – if it was meant to be, it will happen. If you don’t get a place, don’t worry, dust yourself off and try again next year! If you have an interview coming up, the only advice I can offer is to be yourself. I helped with the interviewing a couple of years ago and it is very obvious to the interviewers when an interviewee is stretching the truth or not being genuine. You’ve done the work experience, so just be yourself and let your personality shine. You’ve got this!
By the time of my next blog, I will have started my first Specialist Clinical Placement in Psychiatry. I’m nervous; but more because of fear of the unknown than anything else. Wish me luck!