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September 30, 2015

WMS – Days 1 and 2

Well, on Monday I started medical school! It’d be great to say we saw patients on day one, ordered our first X-rays, cured cancer… sadly instead it involved a lot of introductory lectures on welfare and what being a medical student actually entails. Hint: it’s not curing cancer. Yet.

Of course we sign up for this long journey towards becoming doctors because we want to help patients directly, but it was driven home that to do this you need to be looking after your own health and wellbeing first. It’s not just a recommendation either; today we signed our student contracts which, amongst many other things, require us to stay on top of our health and to report any problems to the medical school.

Nonetheless it was pretty cool to be sitting in the lecture theatre with my peers, all acutely aware of what we’ve got ourselves into. Tuesday we had our first couple of lectures – introductions to cells and organelles – which as a biomed student can seem a little unnecessary but it’s really important to get everyone up to scratch and to a similar level so we can contribute in groups effectively. A large part of our course is tailored around case-based learning in small groups (whom I met today J).

Tuesday evening we got to meet our medic parents for the first time, who we’ve been assured will be our Lord and Saviour’s for the next year! I’m pretty excited about spending time with the second years who take up a lot of their time with contributing to our teaching, which is quite a neat aspect of Warwick’s course. It’ll be great to have their input on how we can focus our learning effectively.

I’ll try and write up again after the next few days, after which we’ll have had the medics Fresher’s Fair and the (dreaded? notorious?) Doctors & Nurses night (pictures almost certainly guaranteed!)

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Our Med Life blogs are all written by current WMS MB ChB students. Although these students are paid to blog, we don’t tell our bloggers what to say. All these posts are their thoughts, opinions and insights. We hope these posts help you discover a little more about what life as a med student at Warwick is really like.

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