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December 16, 2019


For the last two weeks we have been thick in the block that is Advanced Cases 2 (AC2). Essentially serving as a refresher and introduction to our Specialist Clinical Placements (SCPs) which start after Christmas and of which you hear more about in the future as I go through them!

For every block, in order to pass, we have certain tasks that we need to complete, and for AC2 we have to complete 3 VPCs (or virtual patient cases). These are online packages where you log on and work through a case in order. So you are given first a presentation (i.e. Jack presented with lower back pain) and then there are questions that you have to answer, for example; what are your main diagnoses and what tests would you like to do? For AC2 I have to complete one of these for every one of the 3 weeks of this block. I usually find that online patients are never realistic and often not useful but I was surprised with these ones. They were really well put together and quite realistic! One patient was an elderly gentleman with acute urinary retention, one was a patient with alcohol dependency and the last was a young girl with a sore throat and cough. It was actually quite fun to work through these and was a nice reintroduction to the diagnostic skills we will no doubt need when we start our SCP blocks.

This week I also received my timetable for my first SCP, which is Psychiatry. This is my first SCP and each of these lasts for 6 weeks. Overall I have time spent in different Psychiatric settings, with 1 week in acute psychiatry, 3 weeks in community psychiatry, 1 week in old age psychiatry and the remaining 1 week being an introduction week where we have workshops and lectures to get our knowledge up to speed. I have to admit, I am slightly nervous for starting my first SCP as I don’t want to get there and have the consultants think that I don’t know enough or aren’t good enough. I know this is a feeling common to all medical students at changeover time when we start a new placement and I’m sure it will all work out. That said, I’m going to try and do some reading over the Christmas holiday to make sure I at least know something about the basics!

And so here comes Christmas! We have a month off which is our first break for a while and our last long break until next August. We have 4 weeks off and in those I am going for a short holiday in Vienna to explore the many, many Christmas markets and then coming home for a quiet family Christmas. There may be a few mince pies involved as well!

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Our Med Life blogs are all written by current WMS MB ChB students. Although these students are paid to blog, we don’t tell our bloggers what to say. All these posts are their thoughts, opinions and insights. We hope these posts help you discover a little more about what life as a med student at Warwick is really like.

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