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December 15, 2014

Bring on Christmas!


Phew, I can honestly say I have never enjoyed myself so much or been more exhausted as I have been in the last 11 weeks. Semester 1 has really flown by and I can’t believe I have completed two full blocks of medicine already! At times I’ve felt like I don’t know which way is up anymore with the constant stream of lectures, CBL work, clinical skills and then our community days which bring their own challenges with them. I am finding medical school hard but I am also proud of all that I have achieved so far.

I know I’m not only one lacking confidence in their knowledge and skills on this course. This course has been more intense than my previous undergraduate degree and even my PhD. We have a full timetable of lectures during the week and then every Friday is spent at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire, by the time Friday night comes round I’m usually asleep by the time my partner comes home from work! Medical school isn’t all work and no play though. I have joined the Medics Mixed Hockey Club and even survived a hockey tour in Southampton while dressed as an Alien from Toy Storey!

The things I’ve enjoyed most are Friday’s at the hospital. I start my day with Clinical skills where we are taught by practicing doctors and practice in small groups. We have all become very good actors while practicing histories and I can actually use my stethoscope properly now! In the afternoon I have clinical anatomy in the surgical training centre where we have access to anatomical specimens and use 3D TV’s to see the structures from our lectures in incredible detail. I’m hoping that if I work hard at Anatomy I may be able to secure a place on the summer anatomy course in Grenada - a fine way to spend my last long summer!

I have also really enjoyed working with my CBL group. We have had to constantly re-evaluate how we are working in order to optimise our time in CBL and we have spent a lot of time the last few weeks teaching each other when we have been struggling with particular topics. This is where working with all graduates and from different backgrounds is so helpful-we all have different area of expertise and can all bring something unique to the group. We have all worked so hard this semester but we have had fun as a group too, we have enjoyed some lovely lunches in Leamington Spa on our community days, we have had several birthday cakes and also had our own CBL Christmas party at the postgraduate halls on campus.

I’m looking forward to the Christmas break - I’m going catch up on my notes and flashcards (a lifesaver in medical school if you don’t already use them) for the first couple of weeks and then I plan to put my feet up and relax!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from a tired but very happy first year medical student!

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