A Midsummer Night on Call
Finally all examinations and extended exams are over, which means that its time to have some fun! On Tuesday, we had our graduation ball at a country hotel just outside Coventry. The theme was, “a midsummer night on call,” and was organised by the grad ball committee, who did a fantastic job!
When we arrived we were met with a drinks reception in the beautiful grounds, complete with a musician, bouncy castle and bucking Bronco. My housemate tried to persuade the head of our medical school to have a go but was unfortunately unsuccessful. We also had the chance to get our photos taken by a photographer who is a Warwick grad and who moonlights as an FY1 doctor in the area!
When we reached our tables the committee had arranged a bag of treats included syringe shots, flower garlands, and various other treats. We also got a tea towel each, which explained why a few months ago we had to draw our clinical partners on tiny pieces of paper! The last time I saw a tea towel like this was at primary school, and to be honest I think the art work was better on that one…. It’s a great memento of the class of 2015 though.
The rest of the night past in a blur (more blurry for some than others) of food, drink, dancing and a fantastic cheeseboard. It was great to see everyone dressed up and looking their best after months of living in tracksuit bottoms and hoodies during revision hell. There are some excellent photos which started going up on Facebook the following evening as people emerged from their after-ball state… 2 days on and I’m just about recovered enough to face results day tomorrow!
The ball was the last time that most of us will be together until graduation, and it brought home the fact that we are all moving on soon. Even those of us staying in the area are leaving housemates that we’ve lived with for 4 years.
Although I’m really excited to start work, I’m going to miss bumping into my course mates on the wards, and I’m really going to miss my clinical partner, who is moving down South. I’ve spent the last 2 and a half years on the wards with him, and at times we joked that we see each other more than our respective partners do. Its strange to think that he won’t be there on the ward with me on day 1, but whoever’s ward he does end up on should count themselves lucky.
Right, time to get some sleep to prepare for results day. We have the champagne on ice already so hopefully it’s good news!
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