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All entries for Tuesday 14 May 2019

May 14, 2019

Mr Marsh – Can I have a photo please?

There has been a surprising amount that has gone on these past two weeks. We are in the final week of block 5 (gulp) and today we have our final CBL of Phase 1. We have decided we are going to go through a children’s party of sorts and I have supplied choc ices and a cake with a 7 on the top as we are group 7. I must admit, I am happy that CBL has come to an end, as all I have just wanted to revise but it is important that we keep to some sort of normality as after all, block 5 is just as important.

I feel like some bits on information are sticking but I still feel really overwhelmed with how much we must do. I am really nervous for the unknown, but I guess I have just got to keep going. It’s only three more weeks. I still struggle with the drugs list and SOC/POP due to the vast amount of information but I like anatomy and I love Block three so I guess I have just got to remind myself that I do have some strengths!

I have also met one of my medical heroes recently by the name of Mr Henry Marsh. I read his book “Do No Harm” when I was in year 13 and having no hope of getting into medicine with my grades. His book gripped me and since then I have wanted to pursue a career in Neurosurgery. I even got to experience 2 weeks with one of his trainees! Mr Marsh was lovely and a pleasant surprise was finding out he was a Paediatric Neurosurgeon, my goal. It was fascinating listening to him talk and I was sitting there with a massive grin on my face. There were also a couple of Warwick people there too and one of whom I share a love for everything Neuro related, and we were talking about how much we were looking forward to it before. Mr Marsh talked about his love of tools and his development from medical student to one of the best Neurosurgeons in the country. It is just as inspiring as Mr Marsh was technically a GEM student like us at Warwick. He originally studied PPE at Oxford and worked as a hospital porter before pursing his career in medicine. I was incredible to finally meet him, and he even signed my brain light and I have now got a photo of me with him on my desk to get me through this revision period. I had been joking with one of the lecturers here that I would probably get a restraining order if I ever met him from being such a fan so I emailed them to say that police intervention was not needed!

We have also had a lecture on AC1 which was slightly terrifying to think we are nearing it. However, it was also a bit weird as the state I am in, I often doubt if I will make it! I am looking forward to next year if I do make it though, I am looking forward to being able to direct my own learning a bit more and being able to have a bit more freedom with what I learn (to an extent). I also really want to carry on the Warwick Student Seminars for the new first years as I found I love teaching and supporting those around me. I have just got to get there first!

We have another open day before exams so I’m meeting up with Jordan again. It is on my to do list to re-vamp the presentation, so it is suitable for a two-person delivery. The next blog I write will be the last before my exams…. And that is terrifying.


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Our Med Life blogs are all written by current WMS MB ChB students. Although these students are paid to blog, we don’t tell our bloggers what to say. All these posts are their thoughts, opinions and insights. We hope these posts help you discover a little more about what life as a med student at Warwick is really like.

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