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All entries for Thursday 13 November 2014

November 13, 2014

The MedSoc Calendar

So we’ve just had Doctors and Nurses – the biggest night of the MedSoc calendar, and the highlight of the fresher’s week if you’ve just started. This was the second time I’ve been and it still lived up to its expectations. The best part about it is that being a girl you get to wear scrubs (which are so comfy) and get a night free of high heels, whilst laughing at guys dressed up in fish-net tights and fake eyelashes. Some people really go all out and have fantastic costumes! Getting my housemates ready has created a lot of entertainment both years. Each year we have had a shopping trip to buy them tights, make up and nail varnish (much to their regret the following morning!), and then we take as many photos as possible to embarrass them with afterwards. Last year two of my housemates decided to go as Florence Nightingale styled nurses!

I think a big reason that this night is such a success is that every year group gets involved – even some students that have left come back for more! It is also one of the very few events to be held in Coventry – which makes a nice change for those us who live in the area as our taxi fare can finally be reduced! Getting to know new people hidden behind a beard or under a blonde wig is also a great laugh! Although you may see a few too many hairy legs on show!

The next big night that occurs at the beginning of term for the fresher’s is Medic Parents Dinner! This is where as a fresher, you are paired with a second year (who becomes your ‘parent’) and you are invited round for dinner to spend some quality time with them. You then you head out with the other fresher’s and their ‘families’ for a night out in Leamington. Mine last year was really good, and a great way to get to know more people from the year above. ‘Parents’ and ‘children’ are paired at the beginning of the year at the ‘Meet the Parents’ event so everyone gets introduced to their ‘family’ before the dinner to save for any awkwardness! These pairings are made according to previous study, work, and any hobbies or interests. This means that everyone should have found at least one thing in common that works as a good first discussion point!

student family

Throughout the year there are many other social events, including balls and curry nights. Every social I have attended has been a lot of fun and has allowed me to mix with more students that are not in my CBL group or who I might not necessarily see much. Prices for events are also often discounted if you are a MedSoc member so it is definitely worth joining – plus you get free entry into Altoria every Friday so what other reason do you need?!

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Our Med Life blogs are all written by current WMS MB ChB students. Although these students are paid to blog, we don’t tell our bloggers what to say. All these posts are their thoughts, opinions and insights. We hope these posts help you discover a little more about what life as a med student at Warwick is really like.

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