September 12, 2014

Developing Mathematical Resilience among Aboriginal Students

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"The processes of mathematisation, the use of mathematical models and representations of

real world contexts, and contextualisation, the embedding of mathematical ideas into a

meaningful context, are key aspects of students’ mathematical learning. We present a

conceptual framework for thinking about mathematising and contextualising developed as

part of the Make it Count, a national project that seeks to develop an evidence base of

practices that improve Indigenous students’ learning in mathematics. We suggest that an

intentional focus on mathematisation and contextualisation helps to make mathematics

meaningful, particularly for Indigenous students. In particular we suggest that such a focus

has the potential to enhance the mathematical resilience of Aboriginal students."


Johnston-Wilder, S. & Lee, C. (2010a). Mathematical Resilience. Mathematics Teaching, 218, 38-41

Johnston-Wilder, S. & Lee, C., (2010b). Developing mathematical resilience. Paper presented at the BERA Annual Conference, 1-4 Sep 2010, University of Warwick

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