Welcome Elena!
We are welcoming another Erasmus+ student from Spain. Welcome Elena!
Elena will be with us for 3month to work on a biofilm project.
Hopefully the UK will stay in the Erasmus program after brexit!
Warwick Blogs is being retired on March 31st, 2025.
For more details and guidance on exporting your content, please see the full announcement: Warwick Blogs is Retiring .
We are welcoming another Erasmus+ student from Spain. Welcome Elena!
Elena will be with us for 3month to work on a biofilm project.
Hopefully the UK will stay in the Erasmus program after brexit!
How bacteria response to electrical shock depends on their healthyness!
Check it out!!
We are excited for welcoming Mar Moreno! Her stay is supported by the Erasmus+.
She will be working on an AMR project.
The lab has been very lively this year! We had so many things happened and happening this year. Yet, it’s very hard to believe this year is ending already…!!
We got many new talents joining the team. (Welcome again, Jonatan, Segun, Brannon, Manjari and Dmitry!)
We started a spinout company and secured funding for the company! (Hooray!)
Two papers under review. (fingers are crossed….!)
Many exciting data and ideas are being accumulated. (Stay tuned!)
Wishing all the best for the rest of 2018 and the coming new year for everyone!
A new review paper with Christian Zerfaß and Orkun Soyer is now available online!
"Interrogating metabolism as an electron flow system"
Special Congrats to Christian!
In this piece of work, we argue that seeing metabolism as a thermodynamically driven electron flow system offers many fundamental insights. If you have learnt metabolisms with pathway-centric view and you think metabolism is boring, you will be surprised!! Metabolism is a super exciting research topic!!
see also this article from 1995.
#Electrobiology, #metabolic organisation, #evolution of metabolism, #redox potential, #thermodynamics, #cellular physiology, #cellular trade-offs
We are recruting a postdoc to work on an Innovate UK funded project. This project is a colloboration with the spin-out company from the lab. So, you will have an excellent opportunity working on at the interface of academic and industry. Please check the link below for details.
Writing about web page https://doi.org/10.1101/349654
Excited to announce that a preprint version of the new paper from the Asally lab is posted on bioRxiv!!