All entries for Thursday 27 April 2006

April 27, 2006

Tiles on the roof

13/04/06 Thursday

Tiles on the roof were to be put by A.JJ

Roof windows were installed.

Something to be done

14/04/06 Friday


15/04/06 Saturday

Nothing to be done

From 16/04/06 Sunday to 19/04/06 Wednesday

Nothing to be done.


20/04/06 Thursday

Eddie did a little bit on the ceiling in the afternoon, using the plastering board to block the space.


21/04/06 Friday

Peddy and his son did the plastering on the wall.


22/04/06 Saturday

Peddy and his son did the plastering on the floor part.

Plastering Dried

23/04/06 Sunday

Nobody is here

Plastering in the extersion dried.

Steels to be put

24/04/06 Monday

The two steels are put by Tom and Eddie but the position is not very satisfying.


25/04/06 Tuesday

Wall kocked down

26/04/06 Wednesday

Roof men came in to finish the roof and finished in the lunchtime.

Eddie began to knock down the wall from the afternoon.

Tom bricked the pier in the morning and the unfinished parts on bedroom and kitchen windows in the afternoon

The inspector(Mr Kang) approved the two steels.

electricians came in

27/04/06 Thursday

Eddie is out to do the ordering and collectiong doors and windows.

Electrians came in to do the sockets in the afternoon.

Notes: Fridge, two outside lights

French door and two windows arrived. But one size is not right and asked to change.

The design of two doors is confirmed.

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  • Nice blog by CarltonJep on this entry
  • hny by Jiao Liu on this entry
  • EXACTLY!! SPOT ON, MATE! by Trevor on this entry
  • PRECISELY!! SPOT ON THERE, PAL!! by Archibald on this entry
  • PRECISELY!!! by BOB on this entry

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