June 29, 2010

Tech review: build to think, build to learn through video making with iMovie 09

Originally posted on the Open-space Learning project Observatory blog.

Creating an Instrument of Experience for Learning

Experiential learning is not a passive process, rather it is an activity in which students deliberately act on/in the world, predicting, doing, observing, reflecting and re-acting: the feedback loop through which we explore realities. Learning in all disciplines involves the creation of what could be called instruments of experience1: things that we can create and use based upon our theories (implicit or explicit), providing sufficient opportunity to observe, reflect and re-act. What Tom Kelley of IDEO calls "building to think".

Professor Carol Rutter, along with students, actors and Globe Education, constructed just such an instrument of experience at the Globe Theatre. It was constructed from two early versions of Shakespeare’s Othello, along with period stage costumes, rehearsal spaces, the Globe stage, and the knowledge and skills of the actors. When deployed, the instrument worked as a kind of experiment (testing theories about staging the different versions), but also as an experiential discovery on many levels for all of the participants. As Carol states in her introduction:

The project records practical experiments conducted on the stages of Shakespeare’s (reconstructed) Globe using reconstructions of early modern dress to argue that the scene’s “meaning” resides in the undressing and to demonstrate how that undressing was done. It concludes that Q is not an actors’ text.

The Unpinning Desdemona experience proved to be rich in opportunities and detail, as expected. From the outset, Professor Rutter built observation and reflection into the plan. All of the activities, over the whole day, were filmed and photographed, including the process of dressing, the various rehearsals with different combinations of text and costume, and the performance on stage (of the Willow scene).

Learning is a multimedia experience

The Unpinning Desdemona experience was necessarily rich and mulimediated. To recompose it for reflection means bringing together a large amount of quite visually rich video footage with audio (spoken word and music), filled with many individual events and observations, along with the texts and the un-expressed thoughts and sensations of the participants. We don’t want to lose too much of that complexity, as it’s what makes the experience potentially so productive. But the participants do need to be able to draw it all together selectively so as to create a narrative that reflects and draws conclusions (re-acts, learns). How can technology help?

Why use an iMac?

As part of the Open-space Learning project, I am exploring ways in which participants can gather a rich account of events in a manageable format, and then quickly and intuitively build a narrative. In this particular case, we used iMovie 09, the video editing and production application that comes free with every new Apple computer. Working with the actor Jon Trenchard, Carol spent a couple of days with an Apple iMac in the Writers’ Room at Warwick. It’s 24” screen allows editors to easily view a large proportion of their footage and still images for review without too much scrolling around. The end result is impressive and fascinating: an hour long movie, in ten sections, that explores the performance experiment, explaining the differences between the texts, how they might have been performed, and the implications for how we understand and study the relationship between text and performance. The movies can be viewed online, and will be used in teaching and research (address given below).

Why choose iMove 09?

For this kind of learning through video making, I chose the combination of iMac and iMovie 09 over many other options (including Apple Final Cut and Adobe Premiere). iMovie is aimed at the novice video maker. It is to some extent simplified. I have been able to teach people to use it in just ten minutes. But that’s not the reason for choosing it. In fact, the latest version is barely less sophisticated than applications used by professionals. I choose iMovie because it makes it easy for students and researchers to quickly explore, select and combine sequences of video from hours of footage (as well as images). Footage is instantly rendered. By moving the mouse pointer across the footage, the playhead performs audio and video skimming. Whatever the mouse is hovered over plays instantly in a preview window, and as the mouse is moved, the audio is played as well. When researchers and students are concentrating on understanding difficult content, creating difficult ideas, they have to be able to do this as smoothly as possible, as quickly as possible. iMovie 09 is perfect. To build their narrative, the editors select clips from the footage (click and drag), play the selected clip to review it (/ button), and then move them into the correct point in the movie timeline (drag and drop). Images can be added in a similar manner. Stills can be created from any point in the video footage and added to the movie (building a movie from stills, with zooming and camera drift effects is in itself worthwhile).

Screenshot of iMovie 09

As Carol and Jon created their video, I filmed their behaviour. I then interviewed them about the process to create the Making of Unpinning Desdemona video (included below). Watch the movie and you will find a Professor and an actor using iMovie to “build to think, build to learn”. It’s not just the ease of reviewing footage and building movie sequences that makes this such a great tool for thinking. iMovie 09 also includes the ability to add many types of text title. They can stand alone (for example to demarcate a point in the structure of the narrative), or they can overlay the footage (to point out a detail or add information). There are animated titles to add interest, scrolling subtitles to extend the information given. All added by simple drag-and-drop, but looking like the work of a professional. Adding audio is just as simple (copyright permitting). Nice or novelty transitions are available to smooth the gaps between clips. As all of these get added to the movie timeline, the movie can be reviewed instantly – building to think.

There are three further features that Carol and Jon found to be especially vital for creating this kind of movie. We can drag and drop any image or clip over another in the timeline. Several options appear on a menu (you need to active the advanced editing tools in iMovie preferences to get this). Two that are particular useful are cutaways and picture-in-picture. Cutaways allow us to show a short clip as the main clip carries on playing – don’t forget to mute the audio on the cutaway. Picture-in-picture inserts the second clip as a small frame in the corner of the first (it can be repositioned). Carol and Jon used cutaways to show action on stage from several angles.

Voiceovers building narrative

Finally, the perfect build to think feature: voiceovers. The iMac has a quite good quality mic (as well as an excellent video camera). Voiceovers can be recorded into iMovie and layered over the movie, repositioned and edited. The background audio can be muted, or “ducked” (with its volume automatically dropped in sync with the voiceover). In the Making Of video, you can see Carol and Jon doing just such a voiceover. If necessary, you can also record video straight into iMovie using the built in camera (for example to record an introduction).

Many of these features are available in different systems, but my experience has taught me that when working with novices to create movies that deal with difficult academic topics, the software and hardware needs to be as slick, simple and integrated as possible. iMovie 09 offers that. It’s an ideal addition to your instruments of experience, supporting a creative and wide ranging reflectivity – 10/10.

The Making of Unpinning Desdemona


Unpinning Desdemona the Movie by Carol Rutter and Jon Trenchard

A short introduction to the movie and its aims by Carol Rutter

If you want to comment on this, please use the original OSL Observatory blog entry.


1 In Experience and Education, Dewey writes of "a potent instrumentality for dealing effectively with the future" (Dewey, 1997: 23)

Tech review: edmodo class microblogging

Writing about web page http://www.edmodo.com

Originally posted on the Open-space Learning in Real-world Contexts Observations blog.

I’ve been considering using Twitter in teaching. It would allow a class to collectively record activities during and between classes. A kind of hybrid notebook, message board and discussion system packaged in an interface that is elegant and simple (with many mobile options). A way of providing instantaneous recording of ideas and events, for example from within open-space learning workshops. And also a way of joining diverse learning and teaching events together. But Twitter is severely limited in format, and too public by default. I want to be able to easily do things with images, sound, video, discourse. Edmodo offers an alternative, designed specifically for teaching. I’ve been investigating its features. Here is a review that might convince you to try it.

Here's a screenshot of an Edmodo class stream.

Edmodo screenshot

Edmodo is a social networking tool based around the microblogging design pattern, with the addition of teacher/student role differentiation and several education-oriented message types. I’ll explain…

Edmodo is a kind of microblog. What does that mean? A microblog is a web page onto which users post short updates, messages, questions, views etc. These accumulate in a date-time ordered “stream” on the page. Users can subscribe to streams from other users, and then see a combined stream of their own updates and those of the people they are following. Twitter is the most successful microblogging site. Facebook also has a microblogging feature. A microblog is therefore a kind of personal notebook, with the option of viewing several such notebooks together in date-time order. Microblogging is pedagogically valuable in that it provides a fast and quick way of recording and sharing notes – immediately and as an archive for later use.

Like Twitter, but for education

Edmodo is an enhanced microblogging tool. Twitter imposes a limit of 140 characters on each post, and supports hyperlinks (but written out in full), but not images or other media. Using Edmodo, there seems to be no limitation on the length of a posted note. Users can respond to each other’s posts. Responses to a post appear directly underneath it (unlike Twitter), so that discussions can develop.

Threaded discussion

Furthermore, there’s a proper keyword tagging system, so that each post may be categorised, and filtered views of the stream produced based upon selecting a tag.

In addition, users can add files (including images, video, audio and texts). Files that are posted are displayed in the stream – for example, if an image is posted, it appears in the stream as a large thumbnail-sized image.

Edmodo photo

Edmodo offers the multimedia capabilities that many people see as a major omission from Twitter. Users may also post links to content elsewhere on the web (including embedded videos from sources like YouTube, and Flash applications). These enhanced multimedia features make Edmodo an ideal tool for recording active learning, workshop and lab activities, open-space learning and activities on field trips and work placements.

Like Facebook, but for education

Edmodo is a kind of social networking site. What does that mean? Web sites like Facebook and Twitter allow users to organise themselves into groups through “friending” (Facebook) or “following” (Twitter). Friends/followers are then able to follow each other’s updates, and offer each other access to information and events (including viewing each others lists of friends). Edmodo follows a slightly different pattern. Teachers, a special type of user, set up class groups. Each class has its own join code (for example d8sbpw). By default, classes are private to the members (although they can be made public). The teacher can invite students to join by giving them the name of the class and its code. Students cannot register for the system unless they have been invited to join at least one class. Once that they have joined, students can post updates to the whole class or to individuals (including the teacher). They can share text notes, files and links. The student has a single stream for all of their classes, but can filter the stream to show posts from a selected class.

The student/teacher hierarchy is further reinforced by a series of additional types of update that may only be created by teachers. Teachers can send alerts, set assignments and create class polls.

Edmodo options


Edmodo includes a basic assignment submission system and grade-book. An assignment is set for a specified class or individual, with a submission date. Files can be associated with the assignment. Students then receive the assignment details in their own personal stream. This includes a link to submit their response. The student is able to submit a file before the deadline. The teacher receives submitted assignments, gives them a mark, and returns the assignment (with additional files if necessary) to the student. Results are stored in the system, associated with the assignment.


Polls can also be created and assigned to a class. A poll asks a question, and provides a set of alternatives. Each student chooses one of the alternatives. They can see a graph of results updated immediately with their vote.


Edmodo allows for updates from other systems to be automatically added (by the teacher) to a class, so that they are posted into the streams of its members. These “feeds” can come from certain types of news and calendar pages (many systems including Warwick’s Sitebuilder provide the required RSS feeds), from YouTube (video), Flickr (images) and many more sites. This can be used to add a “real-world” dimension to the class. Also, cameras and editing software is increasingly integrated into these sites, allowing for easy uploading. For example, the new generation of iPod Nano will shoot video and upload it to YouTube. Sequences shot during a workshop may be uploaded and appear in the Edmodo class stream through RSS.


Edmodo is a nice clean web design, and should render well on all devices. There is an app for iPhone. Support for RSS from YouTube and Flickr adds further mobile options as described above.


It’s a simple, elegant design with a familiar look and feel. I’ve looked at it with a Warwick undergraduate (final year Italian Studies). She was impressed, and said that she would happily use it. I am really looking forwards to using it in workshop situations for the Open-space Learning project. However, the student/teacher distinction will be a significant limitation when used within HE. We might want students to be able to create a poll or even to create an assignment. Perhaps they should just join the service with teacher status (there’s nothing to stop them). It would also be nice if we could give each class more of a distinct branding.

Remember that this is a free service, with absolutely no enforceable guarantees. It’s unlikely to happen, but you could start teaching with Edmodo only to find that the site disappears.

Otherwise, very much recommended: 8/10.

If you have any comments, please post them on the original entry on the Open-space Learning blog where this entry is already being discussed.

June 25, 2010

OSL Design Concept: A Geography of Shared Concerns

The second part of the Handbook of Open-space Learning Technology will consist of a series of "design concepts" - experiments in OSL design using new technologies. The OSL design challenge is outline in Part One of the handbook. I am basing the design concepts on sessions that I have observed at Warwick, and other activities used by members of the project team. We can implement some of the designs with the available technology. Others are rather more "blue sky". I hope that people will be able to suggest products that make them feasible!

Here's one that tends more towards the experimental end of the scale...

A Geography of Shared Concerns (adapted from an original OSL activity designed by Professor Jonothan Neelands)

The room, about 20 metres by 10 metres, well lit but sparsely equipped, contains only five significant elements:

1.    At one end, a long series of tables, upon which are placed an eclectic collection of handleable objects;

2.    At the other end, the participants, in this case 12 third-year undergraduate students who are starting to identify topics for their dissertation projects;

3.    With the students, the workshop facilitator;

4.    Along one side, a large interactive digital display;

5.    In the middle, a large white rectangular surface placed flat onto the ground.

The lights are dimmed, except for spotlights illuminating the table of objects. A vertically mounted overhead projector throws an image down onto the white screen in the middle of the floor. The projected image, spread across the floor, is of a map, representing a coastline. There is land, with some features. An ocean, complete with gently moving waves. And between land and sea, a large golden beach.

The participants immediately get the connection between the table of objects and the projected map. The objects are each in some way representative of one of the three geographical zones: transport (of various kinds including a submersible), buildings, personal effects (including a wellington boot), animals etc.

The workshop facilitator walks over to the table. She explains the task:

“Think about all of the different topics that you have studied in the first two years of your degree. All of the issues, techniques, problems, people, concepts that have concerned or inspired you. Pick just one of those topics. Choose the one that you care most about, the one that has been of most interest to you.”

“Next, examine the objects on the table. Pick them up, handle them. Think about their characteristics and what they suggest to you: (speed, safety, excitement etc). Choose an object that somehow represents your chosen topic. Attach your personal RFID tag to the object.”

Each participant has their own personal Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag. When placed on an object, it identifies it as “belonging” to that person. An RFID reader is then able to specify the physical location of the tag.

The facilitator picks an object from the table.

“Your task then is to think about where that object should go on the map. Perhaps you are happily sailing far out to sea? Or perhaps you are out of your depth? Place the

She places the object onto the map. She then activates the interactive screen at the side of the room. The landscape is now also shown on the screen, but with the addition of an image of the facilitator next to a blank digital post-it note. It is placed in the same location as the real object on the floor map.

“And finally, find your post-it note on the screen, and write down a brief description of your chosen object and the topic that it represents.”

She picks up a digital pen and demonstrates writing onto her post-it.

“Don’t worry if you change your mind, you can move your object, change objects, delete your notes. After 15 minutes we will save the map with your notes posted to it. I’ll upload it to our class blog.”

The students understand. There’s even a bit of a rush as they get over to the table to choose. After much playing around with topics and objects, placing them at various locations and considering the implications, the 15 minutes are over. It’s all been quite a bit of fun. Playful. But also serious. A chance to reflect upon their own learning and upon their subject discipline. An opportunity to find others with similar interests and concerns (talking to their immediate neighbours on the map), but also a prompt to look at and investigate choices that are very different to their own – to consider new possibilities and alternative connections. Perhaps even providing them with the inspirations that they will need to successfully choose and complete a dissertation project.

To respond to this design, please go to the OSL blog.