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October 09, 2010

Researching Learning in Higher Education by Glynis Cousin

5 out of 5 stars

Not necessarily the most thrilling of topics, made fascinating by an author with an engaging style and a depth of personal experience. I read this as background for my PhD research, but have found it to be useful in many unexpected ways. Cousin adopts a pragmatic and relaxed attitude to structure and methodological discipline, much more so than many lesser researchers. Her advice could be summed up as: be creative, think about what you are trying to achieve, tailor methods to match your aims and your context, and most importantly be honest and ethically minded. There's a chapter on ethics, as well as detailled chapters on each methodology - with enough detail to act as a guide book for anyone undertaking research using the methods.

The section on appreciative inquiry (AI) is especially good - I hadn't come across this before, but am instantly attracted to its positive, creative, inclusive and open minded ethos. Cousin qoutes Sloterdijk, a link that I am keen to pursue (and its connection to Latour and the philosophy of design). AI would seem to fit nicely with Design Thinking, combining a variety of modes of activity (discovery, dreaming, designing, destiny) iteratively and reflectively - rather like Design Thinking's 3 spaces (inspiration, ideation and implementation). The aim being appreciate and amplify good practice. AI also emphasises inclusiveness and participation in the design process. I think I am already doing AI as the core method for my PhD research (mixed pragmatically with lots of other approaches).

There's also a really good section on Meyer and Land's "threshold concept" approach, with detailed examples and suggested instructions for how to go about a study (as with the other methods covered).

The chapter on visual methods is also quite inspirational, although it may soon need updating as new technologies become available - Cousin talks about "videotaping"! Old tech already.

Perhaps the most significant effect that this book will have is in highlighting HE research to be full of imagination and creative thinking.

Read this if you teach or support HE teaching, whether you are undertaking a research project or just want to improve your own or your institution's effectiveness.

June 29, 2010

Tech review: edmodo class microblogging

Writing about web page

Originally posted on the Open-space Learning in Real-world Contexts Observations blog.

I’ve been considering using Twitter in teaching. It would allow a class to collectively record activities during and between classes. A kind of hybrid notebook, message board and discussion system packaged in an interface that is elegant and simple (with many mobile options). A way of providing instantaneous recording of ideas and events, for example from within open-space learning workshops. And also a way of joining diverse learning and teaching events together. But Twitter is severely limited in format, and too public by default. I want to be able to easily do things with images, sound, video, discourse. Edmodo offers an alternative, designed specifically for teaching. I’ve been investigating its features. Here is a review that might convince you to try it.

Here's a screenshot of an Edmodo class stream.

Edmodo screenshot

Edmodo is a social networking tool based around the microblogging design pattern, with the addition of teacher/student role differentiation and several education-oriented message types. I’ll explain…

Edmodo is a kind of microblog. What does that mean? A microblog is a web page onto which users post short updates, messages, questions, views etc. These accumulate in a date-time ordered “stream” on the page. Users can subscribe to streams from other users, and then see a combined stream of their own updates and those of the people they are following. Twitter is the most successful microblogging site. Facebook also has a microblogging feature. A microblog is therefore a kind of personal notebook, with the option of viewing several such notebooks together in date-time order. Microblogging is pedagogically valuable in that it provides a fast and quick way of recording and sharing notes – immediately and as an archive for later use.

Like Twitter, but for education

Edmodo is an enhanced microblogging tool. Twitter imposes a limit of 140 characters on each post, and supports hyperlinks (but written out in full), but not images or other media. Using Edmodo, there seems to be no limitation on the length of a posted note. Users can respond to each other’s posts. Responses to a post appear directly underneath it (unlike Twitter), so that discussions can develop.

Threaded discussion

Furthermore, there’s a proper keyword tagging system, so that each post may be categorised, and filtered views of the stream produced based upon selecting a tag.

In addition, users can add files (including images, video, audio and texts). Files that are posted are displayed in the stream – for example, if an image is posted, it appears in the stream as a large thumbnail-sized image.

Edmodo photo

Edmodo offers the multimedia capabilities that many people see as a major omission from Twitter. Users may also post links to content elsewhere on the web (including embedded videos from sources like YouTube, and Flash applications). These enhanced multimedia features make Edmodo an ideal tool for recording active learning, workshop and lab activities, open-space learning and activities on field trips and work placements.

Like Facebook, but for education

Edmodo is a kind of social networking site. What does that mean? Web sites like Facebook and Twitter allow users to organise themselves into groups through “friending” (Facebook) or “following” (Twitter). Friends/followers are then able to follow each other’s updates, and offer each other access to information and events (including viewing each others lists of friends). Edmodo follows a slightly different pattern. Teachers, a special type of user, set up class groups. Each class has its own join code (for example d8sbpw). By default, classes are private to the members (although they can be made public). The teacher can invite students to join by giving them the name of the class and its code. Students cannot register for the system unless they have been invited to join at least one class. Once that they have joined, students can post updates to the whole class or to individuals (including the teacher). They can share text notes, files and links. The student has a single stream for all of their classes, but can filter the stream to show posts from a selected class.

The student/teacher hierarchy is further reinforced by a series of additional types of update that may only be created by teachers. Teachers can send alerts, set assignments and create class polls.

Edmodo options


Edmodo includes a basic assignment submission system and grade-book. An assignment is set for a specified class or individual, with a submission date. Files can be associated with the assignment. Students then receive the assignment details in their own personal stream. This includes a link to submit their response. The student is able to submit a file before the deadline. The teacher receives submitted assignments, gives them a mark, and returns the assignment (with additional files if necessary) to the student. Results are stored in the system, associated with the assignment.


Polls can also be created and assigned to a class. A poll asks a question, and provides a set of alternatives. Each student chooses one of the alternatives. They can see a graph of results updated immediately with their vote.


Edmodo allows for updates from other systems to be automatically added (by the teacher) to a class, so that they are posted into the streams of its members. These “feeds” can come from certain types of news and calendar pages (many systems including Warwick’s Sitebuilder provide the required RSS feeds), from YouTube (video), Flickr (images) and many more sites. This can be used to add a “real-world” dimension to the class. Also, cameras and editing software is increasingly integrated into these sites, allowing for easy uploading. For example, the new generation of iPod Nano will shoot video and upload it to YouTube. Sequences shot during a workshop may be uploaded and appear in the Edmodo class stream through RSS.


Edmodo is a nice clean web design, and should render well on all devices. There is an app for iPhone. Support for RSS from YouTube and Flickr adds further mobile options as described above.


It’s a simple, elegant design with a familiar look and feel. I’ve looked at it with a Warwick undergraduate (final year Italian Studies). She was impressed, and said that she would happily use it. I am really looking forwards to using it in workshop situations for the Open-space Learning project. However, the student/teacher distinction will be a significant limitation when used within HE. We might want students to be able to create a poll or even to create an assignment. Perhaps they should just join the service with teacher status (there’s nothing to stop them). It would also be nice if we could give each class more of a distinct branding.

Remember that this is a free service, with absolutely no enforceable guarantees. It’s unlikely to happen, but you could start teaching with Edmodo only to find that the site disappears.

Otherwise, very much recommended: 8/10.

If you have any comments, please post them on the original entry on the Open-space Learning blog where this entry is already being discussed.