All 13 entries tagged Ideation

Well ordered conceptualisations forming prototype arguments and solutions to be tested against real world situations.

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April 23, 2010

Decisions that aren't designs aren't decisions

....that could be O'Toole's first law of education management!

If a so called 'management decision' makes no explicit attempt to explain how it will be achieved, what the consquences are and how they will be apprehended, it's an empty gesture or worse, an edict. Decisions design action. Well designed decisions design effective action.

April 17, 2010

Learning as design[ed] at Café Scientifique, April 28th

As part of the exciting and popular Café Scientifique series, I will be presenting a short talk on my (very inter-disciplinary) research:

Learning as design[ed]: some sociological, philosophical, scientific and historical aspects of a "pedagogy of the artificial".

In just ten minutes ("without repetition, hesitation or deviation"), demonstrating:

  • How the sociologist Bruno Latour has raised the concept of "design" (beyond decoration) to a position of paramount importance going beyond the modernism/revolution dichotomy.
  • Historical precursors in the renaissance and 20th century art (seen through Deleuze's readings of Leibniz and the paintings of Francis Bacon and Cezanne).
  • How this relates to recent developments in: "extended cognition"; the study of individual and collective reflexivity, decision making and planning; artificial intelligence; the "sciences of the artificial"; "situated learning"; and new design industry practices (IDEO, dimension management etc).
  • How these concepts and practices can be used to improve research and teaching in higher education (with implications for the choice and use of technologies and learning spaces).
  • The four complementary aspects of my research project, and my method.

Humanities Cafe, University of Warwick, 6.30pm 28th April 2010. A buffet and drinks are provided.

Unfortunately the event is now fully booked.

March 16, 2010

Wolfson Research Exchange presentation May 28th

At the Wolfson Research Exchange, University of Warwick Library, 28th May 1pm - 2pm.

I will be talking on the title:

"Researching from design: enhancing the research process using ideas and practices from the design industry".

Abstract: The term "design thinking" is increasingly being used to designate an interconnected set of practices used in a wide range of domains to enhance and accelerate collective design activities and problem solving. My research is investigating how these approaches might be applied to educational and academic activities. This session will explore the conceptual and practical aspects of "design thinking", as well as exploring the potential of links with new ideas in social science (Bruno Latour), cognitive science (Andy Clark) and philosophy (Gilles Deleuze).

What you will get from this: An understanding of the practicalities and theoretical links behind "design thinking". Ideas on how you can use these approaches in your own work.