All 34 entries tagged Ideation

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February 07, 2011

Slides from our presentation on a potential assignment management system

The following slides are from a presentation given by the E-learning Advisor Team (me and Chris Coe) at the IATL workshop on feedback.

This is also available as a PDF file to download.

Click on an image to enlarge to full size:

Intro slide

What is assignment management?

Electronic assignment submission

Electronic feedback


The audience were asked to vote on this proposal. Initially, they were tentative. I asked if they could single out a part of the proposal as problematic. They did, it was the idea of a single system being compulsory for all assignments.

February 01, 2011

Design for online peer review and feedback

I have been investigating the operation of peer review and feedback. After discussing the process with a professor and a research student in History, I have sketched out this design. It is also applicable to research based learning activities and the development of academic writing at all HE levels (from undergraduate to professional academic research). Important considerations are:

  1. Simplicity (we need to engage people who have very little time for training).
  2. Access for video, audio and just text based users.
  3. International, inter-institution operation (the particular case in question has users at Vanderbildt and Yale).
  4. Put the author in control - they set the peer review process rolling, invite participants and set up live events.
  5. Connection to online libraries of references (the researchers have in mind integration with an online collaborative reference database).
  6. The ability to record and replay discussions.
  7. Ability to annotate (but not co-edit) documents.
  8. Threaded notes.
  9. A calendar, on which live events can be scheduled, and stages in the review process marked.

Similar use cases exist across the arts, humanities and social studies research communities (as well as in academic skills and creative writing), with interesting variations. For example, the author may wish to follow up the initial review by writing a new version of the document and uploading it for further, linked review. In some cases, they may wish to review more than one article at a time. In a similar way, they may wish to collectively review primary source articles from, for example, Early English Books Online (EEBO), which are available in PDF format.

Here is a sketch (click to enlarge). The large yellow post-its explain the design:

Peer review and feedback

January 28, 2011

Abstract for a design workshop on future learning technologies – 2nd March

The recession has prompted an innovation-surge, as tech companies seek to stimulate moribund markets, or to establish entirely new types of product and service.

The coming revolution in funding has focused the minds of university managers, teachers and students upon the need to modernise and optimise higher education learning and teaching.

In this 2 hour workshop, you are invited to help us in re-imagining higher education with technology. We will find and refine significant assumptions (for example, concerning the nature of assessment and feedback), open our ideas to disruption and inspiration, visualise prototype designs, and consider how new and future technologies might make our designs possible.

Our methods will, in themselves, be of great interest: we will use state-of-the-art techniques from "open-space research" and "design thinking", in the innovative Reinvention Studio space.

Wednesday March 2nd 2011, 1.30-3.30, Reinvention Studio, Westwood. Places will be strictly limited. To request to join, please leave a comment below.