August 13, 2009

Macworld magazine design space time lapse movie

Peter Belanger has made a great time-lapse movie documenting the process of creating the cover of an edition of Macworld Magazine. I am particularly interested in the space used for the first part of the process. It's a mid-sized white studio with an extra-large window at one end. Black-out curtains are used to move from daylight to studio lights.

The movie illustrates how a team of designers collaborate to assemble a studio to enable a specific creative act. Notice how they bring in technology, including a Mac on a trolley, allowing them to prototype the image. The action then moves off to an individual's design desk for the production copy to be finalised.

I will soon start work on writing a "handbook of open space learning technology", and will be drawing from examples like this to show how technology can help students to move from inspiration, through prototyping, to implementation.

You can watch the movie on Peter's blog.

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