April 17, 2010

Learning as design[ed] at Café Scientifique, April 28th

As part of the exciting and popular Café Scientifique series, I will be presenting a short talk on my (very inter-disciplinary) research:

Learning as design[ed]: some sociological, philosophical, scientific and historical aspects of a "pedagogy of the artificial".

In just ten minutes ("without repetition, hesitation or deviation"), demonstrating:

  • How the sociologist Bruno Latour has raised the concept of "design" (beyond decoration) to a position of paramount importance going beyond the modernism/revolution dichotomy.
  • Historical precursors in the renaissance and 20th century art (seen through Deleuze's readings of Leibniz and the paintings of Francis Bacon and Cezanne).
  • How this relates to recent developments in: "extended cognition"; the study of individual and collective reflexivity, decision making and planning; artificial intelligence; the "sciences of the artificial"; "situated learning"; and new design industry practices (IDEO, dimension management etc).
  • How these concepts and practices can be used to improve research and teaching in higher education (with implications for the choice and use of technologies and learning spaces).
  • The four complementary aspects of my research project, and my method.

Humanities Cafe, University of Warwick, 6.30pm 28th April 2010. A buffet and drinks are provided.

Unfortunately the event is now fully booked.

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