January 28, 2011

Abstract for a design workshop on future learning technologies – 2nd March

The recession has prompted an innovation-surge, as tech companies seek to stimulate moribund markets, or to establish entirely new types of product and service.

The coming revolution in funding has focused the minds of university managers, teachers and students upon the need to modernise and optimise higher education learning and teaching.

In this 2 hour workshop, you are invited to help us in re-imagining higher education with technology. We will find and refine significant assumptions (for example, concerning the nature of assessment and feedback), open our ideas to disruption and inspiration, visualise prototype designs, and consider how new and future technologies might make our designs possible.

Our methods will, in themselves, be of great interest: we will use state-of-the-art techniques from "open-space research" and "design thinking", in the innovative Reinvention Studio space.

Wednesday March 2nd 2011, 1.30-3.30, Reinvention Studio, Westwood. Places will be strictly limited. To request to join, please leave a comment below.

- 9 comments by 6 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Emma King

    Hi Rob,

    I’d be interested in coming along to this session, however I’ve got another commitment until 2pm in University House so might not be able to make the first 40 minutes. Would that be okay?


    28 Jan 2011, 15:57

  2. James Mears

    Hi Rob

    I would like to come along to this workshop.


    31 Jan 2011, 11:54

  3. Amy Mcleod

    Dear Rob,

    Thank you for letting me know about this. It sounds fantastic! I would love to come. Unfortunately I have booked March 2nd off and so am not in the office.

    If you run another one, or the date changes could you let me know?

    I look forward to hearing about what you come up with.

    Many thanks,


    31 Jan 2011, 12:23

  4. Nicholas Lawrence

    Hi Rob,

    I’m interested in this workshop. I too am committed until 2, but could be there from then on.


    31 Jan 2011, 13:51

  5. Steve Ranford

    I’m in Rob, look forward to it.

    Thanks, Steve

    01 Feb 2011, 15:17

  6. Cathy Hampton

    Hi Rob

    This looks really interesting, but I’m committed elsewhere on that Weds afternoon. If you run another session, please do let me know. Are you going to publish the outcomes of the session anywhere?It would be good to be able to peruse them.


    02 Feb 2011, 10:19

  7. Catherine Fenn

    Count me in.


    11 Feb 2011, 12:17

  8. Hi Rob,

    Count me in also!



    21 Feb 2011, 14:13

  9. Ugo Nwankwo

    Hi Rob,

    I am interested.


    22 Feb 2011, 01:14

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