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February 01, 2011

About my design studio, and my new drawing/design board.

I've recently replaced one of my flat tables with an A1 adjustable drawing/design board. It's great, for my design work and for my research. I have A1 sheets that I can clip to it, and lots of post-it notes. Having such a big canvas to work on makes a great difference to my work. When I finish working on something, I can un-clip it and pack it away. It's height and angle adjustable, so I can work standing or sitting. It even folds completely flat, so can be used as a height adjustable table (ideal for doing stop-motion animation).

Here's a photo of the board and the rest of my studio set up (with an iMac):

Design studio

Of course it has also been colonised by Lorenzo. He has designed scientific experiments on it, written storyboards, and created diagrams:

Lorenzo designer

Lorenzo designer 2

It's also useful for planning expeditions:


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