March 24, 2011

8 steps for developing the e–learning service innovation process

  1. Get an agreed format, process and method for doing service innovation design projects. That includes "service review". We can call them SIDs, so as to give them a friendly name.
  2. Complete the SIDs for Assignment Management, Virtual Research Environments, Module Feedback, Webgroups.
  3. Do an extensive and systematic review of:
    a. how people want or need to use technology for learning and teaching.
    b. the services and features that are available to help them to do that.
  4. Get an agreed format for "business cases", their supporting evidence and the process that will be used to evaluate them (ideally with an example).
  5. Get a more clearly defined "business strategy" so as to understand how priorities are decided upon and business cases judged.
  6. Develop a usable "design strategy".
  7. Understand how we are going to maintain personal contacts and support for staff and students as we do all of this.
  8. Get an idea of the resources that are available to do all this.

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