All entries for Friday 28 January 2011

January 28, 2011

Abstract for a design workshop on future learning technologies – 2nd March

The recession has prompted an innovation-surge, as tech companies seek to stimulate moribund markets, or to establish entirely new types of product and service.

The coming revolution in funding has focused the minds of university managers, teachers and students upon the need to modernise and optimise higher education learning and teaching.

In this 2 hour workshop, you are invited to help us in re-imagining higher education with technology. We will find and refine significant assumptions (for example, concerning the nature of assessment and feedback), open our ideas to disruption and inspiration, visualise prototype designs, and consider how new and future technologies might make our designs possible.

Our methods will, in themselves, be of great interest: we will use state-of-the-art techniques from "open-space research" and "design thinking", in the innovative Reinvention Studio space.

Wednesday March 2nd 2011, 1.30-3.30, Reinvention Studio, Westwood. Places will be strictly limited. To request to join, please leave a comment below.