All entries for Tuesday 16 March 2010

March 16, 2010

Wolfson Research Exchange presentation May 28th

At the Wolfson Research Exchange, University of Warwick Library, 28th May 1pm - 2pm.

I will be talking on the title:

"Researching from design: enhancing the research process using ideas and practices from the design industry".

Abstract: The term "design thinking" is increasingly being used to designate an interconnected set of practices used in a wide range of domains to enhance and accelerate collective design activities and problem solving. My research is investigating how these approaches might be applied to educational and academic activities. This session will explore the conceptual and practical aspects of "design thinking", as well as exploring the potential of links with new ideas in social science (Bruno Latour), cognitive science (Andy Clark) and philosophy (Gilles Deleuze).

What you will get from this: An understanding of the practicalities and theoretical links behind "design thinking". Ideas on how you can use these approaches in your own work.