All entries for Wednesday 01 July 2009

July 01, 2009

Slides from a presentation on the 3 types of learning/design space

Follow-up to Design Thinking – Tim Brown from Inspires Learning - Robert O'Toole

Here are some slides from a presentation that I gave today on learning space design, using Tim Brown's model of design spaces. I've taken out the copyrighted material from Brown's HBR article, as well as slides that apply this approach to an analysis of Warwick blogs. My core message was: design and use different learning spaces for different purposes - be clear, is a space inspirational, ideational, implementational? In which if these ways should students behave at a specific time?


Blogs slide 1

Blogs slide 2

I then presented the design spaces diagram and some quotes from Brown's article (not shown here for copyright reasons).

3 types of design/learning space 1

3 types of design/learning space 3

3 types of design/learning space 5

3 types of design/learning space 7

3 types of design/learning space 9

3 types of design/learning space 11

3 types of design/learning space 13

3 types of design/learning space 15

I then went on to consider how Warwick Blogs can used as an inspirational space and as an ideational space. This dual-purpose can be confusing, and a barrier to the use of blogs for teaching and learning.