All entries for September 2019

September 25, 2019

Market research data in Statista

Writing about web page

If you are looking for global market research, company and industry data, try Statista! This database provides a good range of data and reports, including selected consumer information from Nielsen and other companies. Access it through the Library website and the link to Databases. After you log on and do an initial search, you can alter the location focus menu to pick a country, or pick "Deactivated" to find information from all available countries. It's very user-friendly!

Finding data and reports from the UN and the OECD

Writing about web page

If you are looking for reports, journal articles or data published by the United Nations or the OECD, you may find it better to log on to UN iLibrary and/or OECD iLibrary though the Library website and the Databases list. Although both organisations make a lot of material available free on their websites, many OECD publications are only available as read-only files on the website, whereas the database provides printing and downloading options. The databases also make it easier to search specifically for research material, as they have very good search engines - this will save you a lot of time!

UN iLibrary provides access to data on Sustainable Development Goals and more - select Statistics to find the datasets.

OECD iLibraryprovide access to a lot of their data as well as reports and journals - the only exception is data from the International Energy Agency, which we can access free of charge from the UK Data Service.

If you need any help with locating data or other material, please contact me any time -

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