January 04, 2012

Old Law Commission reports on BAILII website

Writing about web page http://www.justice.gov.uk/lawcommission/publications.htm

The Law Commission has revised its website, and it is now possible to find online versions of their early reports which were previously available only in print, as well as more recent ones. To find them, select the Publications link from the Law Commission home page, then you will find information about reports published before 1996. Just click the link to British and Irish Legal Information Institute. Reports are available back to 1965; some may not yet be digitised, but we should have them in print on Floor 4 of the Library at classmark 41 N 20 (Law Commission).

December 14, 2011

Family law

If you are looking for articles in the journal called Family Law, we have it in printed format only, on Floor 5. There is currently a catalogue record for an electronic version within Lexis, but unfortunately Lexis no longer provides this title. I have asked for that record to be removed to avoid confusion!

December 13, 2011

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is now provided as part of HeinOnline - it used to be a separate database. It is useful especially for research in comparative law. You can access it via the Library catalogue, selecting Databases, then I and finally Connect. Each record includes the option to search a database called WorldCat (World Catalog), which can tell you whether we have the journal in question, or whether it is available elsewhere in the UK or further afield.

If we do not take a particular journal referred to, you may be able to use the SCONUL Access scheme to visit another Library which does have a subscription. It is also possible to request an article through Document Supply, although for undergraduate students there is normally a charge for that service.

Both the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals and WorldCat are well worth a look, if you have not used them before! WorldCat is a good way to track down books on any topic, if we do not have them here.

June 08, 2011

Data on corruption and country risk indices

Writing about web page http://www.transparency.org/policy_research/surveys_indices/cpi

You will find comparative data on corruption in Business Source Premier, if you search for the terms "corruption index" and select the Country reports option - the data goes back about 10 years and is provided by a US company, CountryWatch Inc. There is also an independent free website provided by Transparency International, which compiles a Corruption Perceptions Index, also going back about 10 years.

Incidentally, Business Source Premier also provides data from the Political Risk Index, which is compiled by PRS. This includes comparative international information on the risk of terrorist attack.

Helen Riley

October 20, 2010

Mooting materials – the Jessup Compendium online

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/library/main/tealea/socsciall/lawofficialpublications/law/key/

The Library has added the Jessup Compendium to its HeinOnline subscription -  this includes the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition Compendium, plus a few extra law journals. I hope this proves useful for students taking part in moots - recommended by Gary Watt!  When you log on to HeinOnline, you can select this material from the list on the left. The database also includes The English Reports, classic US legal texts, and a lot of law journals.

March 05, 2010

Database of court & tribunal decisions relating to indigenous peoples

Writing about web page http://www.dundee.ac.uk/cepmlp/mining/indigenous/

The Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) has launched a database of court/tribunal decisions dealing with documents involving indigenous parties (eg. treaties, impact & benefit agreements, petitions, land use agreements). The database can help parties working with developer-indigenous relations, by identifying relevant decisions and commentary on courts' approaches to indigenous agreements.

The database is free and fully searchable and can be accessed here, along with general information about the work:


This database has been compiled from over 200 cases and articles from courts/tribunals in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America. The decisions collated for the database are those that interpret or apply documents involving indigenous parties. The database shows, for each decision:

·      a brief summary of the decision (including URL where available);

·      the details of the document(s) involving indigenous parties; and

·      a summary of the court's/tribunal's engagement with that document.

Research for the database was conducted with the assistance of funding from the Nuffield Foundation, a charitable trust with the aim of advancing social well-being. It funds research and innovation, predominantly in social policy and education. It has supported this project, but the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Foundation. More information is available at www.nuffieldfoundation.org

January 06, 2010

Foreign Law Guide – FLAG

Writing about web page http://ials.sas.ac.uk/library/flag/flag.htm

Here's a useful online guide to UK printed collections of the law of other jurisdictions, the Foreign Law Guide or FLAG for short! It is available on the website of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and is strongly recommended if you need to check which libraries to use for research. Partners in the project are the Squire Law Library, Cambridge; the Bodleian Law Library in Oxford; the British Library; and the School of Oriental and African Studies Library, University of London.

FLAG is from the same stable as FLARE, (Foreign Law Research) - see the earlier blog entry about the FLARE Index to Treaties.

November 11, 2009

Halsbury's Laws – online law encyclopedia

An excellent way to start reserch on any English law topic is to use Halsbury's Laws. This is an authoritative encyclopedia available to us on Lexis Library - you will find a link to it on their Home page in the section on the right, "My Bookshelf". Halsbury's Laws will explain any English legal topic, with links to related legislation and case law, so it is a good way to locate primary sources. If any of the Lexis links fail, you should either use Westlaw to find an online document, or the Library catalogue to locate a printed law report series. If you would like any assistance, please contact Helen Riley, helen.riley@warwick.ac.uk

June 05, 2009

The Avalon Project

The Avalon Project, produced by the Yale Law School, may be of interest to the Law Department as a resource for documents from ancient times to the present day in the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government.

April 20, 2009

The Flare Index to Treaties

The Flare Index to Treaties contains details of over 1,500 of the most significant multilateral treaties concluded from 1856 to the present.

The Index includes entries for all the treaties and conventions in force now concluded by or under the auspices of the: Council of Europe (CETS series), International Labour Organisation (ILO C series), Organisation of American States (OAS), and a selection concluded by or under the auspices of many worl-wide or regional economic, social, trade and political organisations.

Try the Flare Index to Treaties. It is free and easy to use and will be kept up to date annually.

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