January 21, 2021

BlueBook quick guide on citing the law of other jurisdictions

Writing about web page https://www.legalbluebook.com/bluebook/v21/quick-style-guide

I have discovered the BlueBook quick guide, which explains how to cite the legislation or case law of another jurisdiction. The full BlueBook is shelved in the reference section on Floor 4 of the Library, at Ref K110.U6 - it covers US legal citation in depth, and has a useful supplement on other countries. Especially when the library is closed, the free online guide should be very useful too!

October 02, 2020

Westlaw Edge – new features

Writing about web page https://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.co.uk/content/dam/ewp-m/documents/legal-uk/en/pdf/brochures/introducing-westlaw-uk.pdf

Westlaw was enhanced this summer, and it is now called Westlaw Edge - I have included a link to their brochure. EU law is easier to access, and the link to US law is flagged up more clearly. There are enhanced case analytics and tool which compare the changes which have taken place between any two versions of legislation across UK, English, Welsh, Northern Ireland and Scottish jurisdictions.

There is another new feature, Westlaw Questions. If you type a term into the general search box Westlaw Edge suggests related questions; e.g. if you enter directors you will see several questions about directors' duties. You can select any question to find a link to a Westlaw overview article on the topic. I am still exploring this myself, but please do read the information provided by Westlaw on the new features and contact me if you have any queries.

September 25, 2019

International and other countries' law in Lexis Library

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=e1000553~S1

The new Lexis International platform has settled down now - it includes legal material from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand and the United States. There is also some material from South Africa, and selected international law, mainly from the International Court of Justice. (International tax law material has been removed.)

You can find what is available when you select cases or legislation in Lexis Library, then select International Content to open a separate platform. It is worth noting that legal material from Ireland and selected Caribbean countries remains in the UK Lexis platform, accessible via the link to Sources. There are guides to explain this in the Library tutorial "Doing Legal Research" - in the Advanced Research section. Please contact Joshua Lam or myself if you need any help - our contact details are available on the Library's Subject Support page for Law.

March 27, 2019

Journal of European Consumer and Market Law

Writing about web page http://encore.lib.warwick.ac.uk/iii/encore/record/C__Rb3257432

The Library subscribes to the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law through Kluwer, and currently the 1st issue of 2019 is not available, although it has been published. Kluwer have told us that this is because of a production problem, and they hope that it will be available on the their platform soon. (As of 27th March). Please contact Helen Riley if you especially need to read any articles from this issue, as Kluwer have sent us a pdf document with the full contents.

March 20, 2017

Database access and security warnings

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/library

Many databases and other electronic resources use a secure http URL and when you log on you may see a severe warning saying that it is unsafe to proceed. If you access any electronic resource provided by our Library, it will be perfectly safe and secure… Always access them from the Library home page, either from the Databases link, or through Encore.

If you use Chrome, click “Advanced” in the window which opens, then click the link below that headed “Proceed… (unsafe)”.

If you use IE, click “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.

This issue is affecting other universities; my colleagues are working to resolve the problems, but we do not know how long that may take. If you find that you cannot access a database, please contact Library@Warwick.ac.uk and our technical staff will help you.

Another tip for certain electronic access problems is to delete your browsing history if you are denied access, then try again.

February 10, 2017

How to access Lexis PSL – and why…

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=e1000553~S1

Lexis PSL is a database used by legal practitioners and students, providing practice notes, precedents, links to practitioner sources, current awareness and more. It covers the main topics in English law. You may find it useful for your research, and also when preparing for an interview or placement.

Normally you can access PSL after you log on to Lexis Library, by clicking the chevron at the top left of the Lexis Library home page and using the Services menu. Currently there are some technical issues affecting our access, but there is an alternative route. From the Library home page, select Databases, but instead of accessing Lexis Library directly, click the database name to see information about the database. Take the alternative link to Lexis PSL, select “Academic sign-in”, “View all institutions”, then select University of Warwick and log on.

January 31, 2017

Catalogue links to Westlaw US journals restored

Thomson Reuters Westlaw, the new platform containing the World Journals and US legal material, cannot provide links to specific US or Canadian Law journals via the Library catalogue, so Library staff have created a work-around! If you search for a US journal such as the Harvard Law Review, just click the link labelled “WestlawNext” and you will find a link to WestlawUK and notes to explain how to find the World Journals. You can search for a specific article, or you can select a country e.g. United States, and search in the content by keyword.

There is no change to WestlawUK, which functions as usual! If you have any problems with accessing a particular Westlaw journal through the Library catalogue, please contact Helen Riley for help – Helen.Riley@Warwick.ac.uk

March 17, 2016

UN iLibrary

Writing about web page http://www.un-ilibrary.org/

The United Nations iLibrary is the first comprehensive global search, discovery, and viewing source for digital content created by the United Nations. You can use it to access UN publications, journals, data, and series published by the United Nations Secretariat, and its funds and programs. You can download the publications in pdf format. The United Nations publishes reports and data on a really wide range of topics, so this is worth a look! It is currently being flagged up by OECD iLibrary, and it appears to be freely available, although I cannot find a link to it from the UN website.

Lexis simple search

Last year Lexis Library was updated and you can now do a simple search in the Google-style search box on the Lexis home page. You can filter it to look for particular types of material, but the usual connectors do not work, so you may retrieve a lot of results. You can narrow your search further but your results will be more relevant if you use the separate search forms for case law, legislation, journal articles and so on.

If you have not used Lexis Library much or at all, now is a good time to start! It contains material not available in any other database.

June 09, 2015

Privy Council case papers to be digitised

Writing about web page http://ials.sas.ac.uk/library/libnews/docs/Jun_15.pdf

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies has announced that they have received funding to digitise case papers relating to decisions of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. They maintain a set of these papers from 1945 onwards, plus some earlier papers of interest to researchers. The papers will be made available on BAILII, the website of the British and Irish Legal Information Institute - some material is accessible online already.

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