February 19, 2015

Online help to use Lexis Library – LexisNexis Academy

Writing about web page http://www.lnacademy.com/resources.aspx

Have a look at the website of the LexisNexis Academy if you would like to make the most of Lexis Library. This website provides a wide range of video guides on how to find specific legal material in Lexis, plus links to FAQs, "Ask a trainer"and much more!

Don't forget that you can also contact our Lexis Student Associate, Anum Cheema, or attend her drop-ins for help in person, A.A.Cheema@Warwick.ac.uk and you are also welcome to contact me any time for guidance on the Library's full range of Law resources, Helen.Riley@Warwick.ac.uk

December 18, 2014

Lexis PSL

You can find useful practitioner information on English legal topics in Lexis PSL, available for Warwick students and staff when you log on to Lexis Library. To find it, move your cursor to LexisNexis Services, at the top left, then pick Lexis PSL from the drop-down menu. After that, it is worth the hike... click Academic sign-in, then select UK Access Management Federation, and finally pick University of Warwick, then you are in! Could be useful when you are on a placement, and when you are preparing for interview.

January 17, 2014

Lexis student website – Law Campus

Writing about web page http://lexisweb.co.uk/lawcampus

Don't miss the Lexis Law Campus website! Features include "Ask a trainer" and useful background information on the Law, plus tips on using Lexis Library effectively. You will also find the option to gain Lexis certification - take the test for this on your own, or with help from the Lexis Student Associate Phillipine Wiegand-Forson. This will help you to use Lexis for research, and will also demonstrate your skills to future employers or if you are seeking a placement.

As with the other database (!), I hope to arrrange a few more sessions with a Lexis trainer later this term, and will advertise them to everyone in due course.

Also useful when on a placement - log on to Lexis and view "LexisNexis services" at the top left, and "Lexis PSL". This provides useful current awareness and practice notes on a wide range of areas of law.

Helen Riley

October 30, 2012

Westlaw Law Student website

Writing about web page http://uklawstudent.thomsonreuters.com/?utm_campaign=LAWSTUDENT2&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Librarians&utm_content=AccountUpdate

Westlaw have launched a special website for students, with lots of useful information - it's just called "Law Student" and it is quite similar to Lexis Law Campus. You can access it via the URL above, or Google it! Please do have a look and pass on any feedback to the Westlaw Student representative, Andy McNally, A.M.McNally@Warwick.ac.uk It's a free website, good for current awareness, including:

  • Features from leading legal authors
  • News and legal market round-ups
  • Career guides, podcasts, prizes & more

Online mooting guide from City University.

Writing about web page http://learnmore.lawbore.net/topicpage.php?t=Mooting

I've discovered an online guide to mooting, developed as part of the Lawbore site at City University Law School, London. It may be worth a look!

July 06, 2012

Printing or downloading Lexis articles

If you have any difficulty in printing, downloading or e-mailing material from Lexis Library, it may be due to pop-ups being blocked by your computer. Look out for a message about this on the screen - it is easy to ask for pop-ups to be permitted permanently on this website, and after that there should be no further problem.

Please also be aware that Lexis limits the number of items which may be downloaded from one search to 10. Other databases may also be monitored by the companies providing them, so for example it is not allowed to download one or more e-books in entirety on the same day! Normal downloading is fine, and it is rare for problems to be reported to us, but in extreme cases a company can cut us off without warning and tell us to investigate any possible abuse of copyright :-( You will find information about what is allowed under copyright law in the Library near any photocopier.

May 08, 2012

Centre for the Study of European Labour Law "Massimo d'Antona

Writing about web page http://csdle.lex.unict.it/

If you are interested in employment law and social integration in Europe, have a look at the new website of the Centre for the Study of European Labour Law "Massimo d'Antona", based at the University of Catania. The website offers a coordinated range of free online resources (the Labourlist, working papers, a document collection and dossiers).

April 05, 2012

Index of Legal Terms in Westlaw

Westlaw now includes an Index of Legal Terms - it looks very useful! This option appears on the Westlaw home screen when you log in. You can search for a definition of a legal term in online law dictionaries including Jowitt, Stroud and Osborn, and also in UK legislation, case law and journals.

March 30, 2012

Westlaw student website

Writing about web page http://uklawstudent.thomsonreuters.com/

Westlaw are developing a website called Law Student - something similar to Law Campus, the Lexis student website. This is separate from the database - it includes current awarenesss, an online magazine, podcasts on legal topics, database guides and help with gaining a Westlaw certificate. More is planned for the near future, so if you have not seen it yet, have a look and see what you think!

January 31, 2012

Amnesty International archives in the Modern Records Centre

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/library/mrc/catalogues_old/pressure/034bfull.pdf

If you are interested in Amnesty International, did you know you could find their archives of publications in the Warwick University Modern Records Centre? The MRC is just behind the Library, opening hours as follows:

09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 16:00
The Centre is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

You can find out more by e-mailing MRC or visiting their enquiry desk. More recent Amnesty material is accessible to members of the public in Amnesty's London office, and you will find details through their website.

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