July 06, 2012

Printing or downloading Lexis articles

If you have any difficulty in printing, downloading or e-mailing material from Lexis Library, it may be due to pop-ups being blocked by your computer. Look out for a message about this on the screen - it is easy to ask for pop-ups to be permitted permanently on this website, and after that there should be no further problem.

Please also be aware that Lexis limits the number of items which may be downloaded from one search to 10. Other databases may also be monitored by the companies providing them, so for example it is not allowed to download one or more e-books in entirety on the same day! Normal downloading is fine, and it is rare for problems to be reported to us, but in extreme cases a company can cut us off without warning and tell us to investigate any possible abuse of copyright :-( You will find information about what is allowed under copyright law in the Library near any photocopier.

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