December 13, 2011

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is now provided as part of HeinOnline - it used to be a separate database. It is useful especially for research in comparative law. You can access it via the Library catalogue, selecting Databases, then I and finally Connect. Each record includes the option to search a database called WorldCat (World Catalog), which can tell you whether we have the journal in question, or whether it is available elsewhere in the UK or further afield.

If we do not take a particular journal referred to, you may be able to use the SCONUL Access scheme to visit another Library which does have a subscription. It is also possible to request an article through Document Supply, although for undergraduate students there is normally a charge for that service.

Both the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals and WorldCat are well worth a look, if you have not used them before! WorldCat is a good way to track down books on any topic, if we do not have them here.

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