January 27, 2016

Webinar on 'Researching ELT History' – recording available

Writing about web page http://resig.weebly.com/elt-history-webinar.html

Richard Smith gave an introductory one-hour webinar on 'Researching ELT History' for IATEFL Research SIG on 25 January 2016. The recording and powerpoint slides are available at the above website.

January 25, 2016

Donation of materials by Paul Snowden

Thank you very much indeed to Paul Snowden for his donation of a few rare books, all current in Japan when Harold Palmer developed his 'Standard English Course' there:

1. New School Grammar by S. Shioya, first pub. Kaiseikan, Tokyo 1915: this 6th edition (approved by Ministry of Ed.) 1925-6

2. English Grammar by William Swinton, orig. pub. Harper & Brothers, U.S. 1877: reproduced by Rikugokuwan, Tokyo 1886, this 9th edition 1896

3. Barnes's New National Readers, Numbers 2, 3 & 4, orig. pub. in U.S.: reproduced by Shobido, Osaka 1901, these editions 1909-1920

4. Books' New National Reader Number 5, orig. pub. in U.S.: reproduced by Seizenkwan 1902, this 3rd edition 1905

Paul also donated: a well-used copy of an English-English dictionary that Kenkyusha brought out before the Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary(Kaitakusha, 1942, eds. Hornby, Gatenby and Wakefield)-- a 1955 reprint of a first edition dated Showa 13, i.e. 1938. Paul wrote about this dictionary in his piece on A.S. Hornby in the Britain and Japan: Biographical portraits series edited by Hugh Cortazzi.

January 19, 2016

IATEFL's 2nd to 10th conferences

Writing about web page https://richardsmithelt.wordpress.com/2015/12/30/the-1968-to-1975-iatefl-conferences-how-things-have-moved-on/

Blog post on IATEFL's 2nd to 10th conferences

Donation of materials by Tony Wright

Tony Wright has donated the following material:

1. Compendium Vols 1-3 ( A series of 'handbooks' produced by the MoE in Malaysia for English teachers) Dated 1989 [An interesting insight into the approach taken to prof development there at that time]

2. Teachers' Resource Centres (a handbook on setting up and running TRCs prepared by the Commonwealth Institute.) Dated 1984

3. Use of English Course for West African Students. Helen Parry 1979 Macmillan

Thanks Tony!

July 08, 2015

Two recent news items

July 2015 A number of ELT Archive items have been republished on the British Council's Milestones in ELTpage. Here are some notes on the history of the British Council’s involvement with ELTwhich provide context for these items.

TEFLology interview with Richard Smith on History of ELT (June 2015)

December 15, 2014

'UCL, IoE, and Early ELT'

Writing about web page http://eltroots.pen.io/

My blog post on 'UCL, IoE, and Early ELT' - on the occasion of the merger of UCL and the London Institute of Education (2nd December 2014)

January 04, 2014

New article by Richard Smith about 'why history' (in/of ELT)?

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/staff/teaching/smith/smith_r/harold_e__palmer_irlt_and_historical_sense_in_elt.pdf

(2013) 'Harold E. Palmer, IRLT and "historical sense" in ELT’, by Richard Smith. IRLT Journal12 (Journal of the Institute for Research in Language Teaching, Tokyo: Special issue to celebrate the Institute's 90th anniversary).Pre-publication version.

December 18, 2013

new catalogue (3rd edition) published!

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/research/collect/elt_archive/catalogue

The work for this was done in 2010-11 but it's taken some time to get down to putting it all together - our new catalogue - in three parts! All made possible due to a British Council grant in 2010-11 for which we're very grateful. Plus lots of hard work by Sheila Verrier in the Resources Room on free mornings. Thanks Sheila and the BC!

September 18, 2013

Donation by Hywel Coleman

In all, we've received the following issues of the IATEFL newsletter from Hywel Coleman, as a result of our appeal for missing issues via IATEFL's e-bulletin:

35-36 (2 issues)

38-39 (2 issues)

45-86 (42 issues).

This fills a big hole in our / IATEFL's own existing collection - thank you very much Hywel!

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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