History of EAP and of BALEAP
Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/research/collect/elt_archive/presentations/history_of_eap
20 April 2013. Panel discussion on 'History of EAP and of BALEAP' organized and chaired by Richard Smith. Panellists: John Swales, Andy Gillett and Meriel Bloor. BALEAP Conference 2013: ‘The Janus Moment in EAP: Revisiting the Past and Building the Future’, University of Nottingham, April.
Video of Richard Smith's talk for the British Council - 'A short history of ELT' -- was published online earlier in the year: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/seminars/a-short-history-elt. I managed to insert some photographs of A.S. Hornby and his students taken in 1920s Japan, thanks to the generosity of Phyllis Willis and Paul Snowden.