Thank you very much indeed to Paul Snowden for his donation of a few rare books, all current in Japan when Harold Palmer developed his 'Standard English Course' there:
1. New School Grammar by S. Shioya, first pub. Kaiseikan, Tokyo 1915: this 6th edition (approved by Ministry of Ed.) 1925-6
2. English Grammar by William Swinton, orig. pub. Harper & Brothers, U.S. 1877: reproduced by Rikugokuwan, Tokyo 1886, this 9th edition 1896
3. Barnes's New National Readers, Numbers 2, 3 & 4, orig. pub. in U.S.: reproduced by Shobido, Osaka 1901, these editions 1909-1920
4. Books' New National Reader Number 5, orig. pub. in U.S.: reproduced by Seizenkwan 1902, this 3rd edition 1905
Paul also donated: a well-used copy of an English-English dictionary that Kenkyusha brought out before the Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary(Kaitakusha, 1942, eds. Hornby, Gatenby and Wakefield)-- a 1955 reprint of a first edition dated Showa 13, i.e. 1938. Paul wrote about this dictionary in his piece on A.S. Hornby in the Britain and Japan: Biographical portraits series edited by Hugh Cortazzi.