All entries for December 2009

December 16, 2009

Catalogue of archival / unpublished items completed!

Writing about web page

A catalogue of some of the archival / unpublished items in the Warwick ELT Archive has now been completed, and has been  uploaded to the web-page above. Dario Bodegas and Sheila Verrier have worked hard on this, and we've been greatly helped by a research grant from the British Council. Thanks, Dario, Sheila and the BC! 

Here are the Preface of this catalogue, and a summary of the contents:


In summer 2009 Dario Bodegas, who had just completed studies for his MA with us at the time, kindly agreed to begin sorting, storing in box files, cataloguing and shelving the genuinely ‘archival’ items – typescripts, newspaper cuttings, pamphlets, etc. – that the Warwick ELT Archive has acquired (see Part 1 of this catalogue for a list of books on shelves, available at: Subsequently, Sheila Verrier built on and embellished Dario’s work, this being made possible by a British Council research grant (Jan.-Dec. 2009). By December 2009, when funding ceased, the following twenty-four box files of papers – perhaps one third of our current total collection of archival / unpublished items – had been catalogued in sufficient detail to be included here. When finances allow, we will embark on a phase two of cataloguing the archival / unpublished items in our collection and will then publish an updated version of this catalogue.


  • E.T. Uldall 1-3: Three box files of miscellaneous papers donated by Elizabeth Uldall, from the Dakin Collection
  • Dakin Misc 1-2: Two box files of miscellaneous papers from the Dakin Collection
  • JD 1-5: Five box files of Julian Dakin’s papers from the Dakin Collection
  • Survey of Language Use and Language Teaching in Eastern Africa Bulletin: One box file from the Dakin Collection
  • John Bright Papers: One box file of John Bright’s papers, donated by Chris Brumfit
  • P.H.C. Clarke Papers: One box file of P.H.C. Clarke’s papers, donated by Chris Brumfit
  • Brumfit Papers 1-2: Two box files of Christopher Brumfit’s papers, donated by Rosamond Mitchell
  • Abbs Papers 1-9: Nine box files of Brian Abbs’ papers, donated by Brian Abbs

December 15, 2009

Duncan Hunter – PhD thesis successfully 'defended'!

Congratulations to Duncan Hunter, who passed his viva for the award of PhD today, defending his thesis on the development of keywords in the early communicative movement in ELT, based on a corpus analysis of articles from ELT Journal (Title of thesis: 'Communicative Language Teaching and the ELT Journal: a Corpus-Based Approach to the History of a Discourse'). As a Postgraduate Research Fellow in the Centre for Applied Linguistics (formerly, Centre for English Language Teacher Education) from 2005 to 2008, Duncan was responsible for many enhancements of the Warwick ELT Archive, including setting up the 'Hall of Fame' pages on the website.

Thanks also to Chris Kennedy and Sue Wharton, the examiners of the thesis, which we hope to link to from the Archive website when minor corrections have been completed!

December 2009

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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