All entries for December 2008

December 19, 2008

Donation of Dunford Seminar reports by Rod Bolitho

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Thanks to Rod Bolitho we now have an almost complete set of Dunford House seminar reports from 1978 to 1996. Now we're only missing the report from 1989 (if a seminar was actually held that year).  Thanks again, Rod!

We are hoping to start up work next year on some research tracking the history of ELT aid projects. If you were involved in such projects and have project reports you would like to donate to the Warwick ELT Archive, please let us know.

ELT films from Thessaloniki

Writing about web page

On 17th July five boxes of ELT reel-to-reel films were transported to the Warwick ELT Archive, in the back of a lorry delivering tiles to Stoke. These films came from the British Council in Thessaloniki. Thanks to Carol Everhard of Thessaloniki for spotting that these films should be safeguarded (during the Council's move to new offices), and to Barbara Hewitt, Head of Research and Consultancy at the British Council  in Manchester for agreeing to sponsor their transportation.

films from Thessloniki 1

Dear Mr. Smith,

Further to our telcon, below mentioned truck nr.

- E 1037 BP / E 4642 EA ( Red Volvo with a red trailer )

Is currently in the area as advised and will wait for you until 13:00 hours as you have mentioned.

Attached you may find the photos regarding the consignment of 5 Cartons boxes including tapes on behalf of Mrs. Everhard / British council Thessaloniki, Greece.

Please don't hesitate to contact me direct at my mobile nr. for any further detail or clarification.

We remain always at your disposal

With best regards

Alexander Evangelides

Pan. Evangelides Ltd.

International freight services

Thessaloniki Greece

December 2008

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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