All entries for September 2013
September 18, 2013
Donation by Hywel Coleman
In all, we've received the following issues of the IATEFL newsletter from Hywel Coleman, as a result of our appeal for missing issues via IATEFL's e-bulletin:
35-36 (2 issues)
38-39 (2 issues)
45-86 (42 issues).
This fills a big hole in our / IATEFL's own existing collection - thank you very much Hywel!
September 16, 2013
Donation of project evaluations by Rosalyn Hurst
Writing about web page
Many thanks to Rosalyn Hurst, who drove up last Friday from Sussex with some valuable items for the Archive including project evaluation reports and other hard-to-obtain items. There will be some very useful additions to our archive of UK-funded project reports. See:
September 10, 2013
IATEFL newsletters recovered
The Charles Forbes collection (as yet uncatalogued) has revealed IATEFL newsletters 1-40, except for 32. And Hywel Coleman has just sent us issues 55-64 from Indonesia. So we're well on the way to being able to reconstruct the early history of IATEFL from sources in the ELT Archive!
September 04, 2013
back issues of Modern English Teacher donated by Heather Kempson
Writing about web page
Thanks very much to Heather Kempson, who has sent us a run of Modern English Teacher that we were missing (from 4/1 to 12/4.
We're still looking for a copy of the very first issue, published in 1973, in case anyone has one! See here for a list of journal volumes and issues we are seeking for the collection: