All entries for March 2012

March 31, 2012

Donation of books from Sudan

Yassir Hassan Hussein (a former Hornby Scholar at Warwick) and Amna Bedri (founder and former President of TESOL Sudan) very kindly donated some books we were looking for to the ELT Archive. Amna brought them all the way from Sudan and handed them over to me at the IATEFL Conference in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago.

Their donation included books by Harold E. Palmer, Michael West, Lawrence Faucett, C.E. Eckersley and J.A. Bright which we don't have in our collection. Some of these were published before World War II, while others were later editions. Still others (by Bright and West) were photocopied editions purchased recently - showing the longevity of the works of some of the ELT pioneers in the Sudanese context.

Amna explained to me, for example, that West's New Method Readers were still favoured by some contemporary learners because they contain short texts which are made easy to understand by the author.

March 26, 2012

A short history of ELT coursebooks

Richard Smith - presentation with above title at the IATEFL Conference in Glasgow, within a symposium on 'ELT coursebooks: Past, present and possible'. Details here:

March 2012

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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