All entries for Monday 26 October 2009

October 26, 2009

2nd edition of ELT Archive catalogue uploaded

Writing about web page

A second edition of the Warwick ELT Archive Catalogue (of published materials up to 1979) has now been uploaded to:

Here is an extract from the Preface which indicates what is new about this edition:

Further work on cataloguing, primarily by Sheila Verrier, has been greatly facilitated by a British Council research grant (Jan.-Dec. 2009). Cataloguing conventions have been rationalized, and a large number of additional items have been incorporated into the collection from donations or storage. The present edition of the catalogue lists all items on shelves (‘published items’) by alphabetical order of author. There are now 3,643 separate published items in the catalogue (almost all of them books), up from 2,727 items in the first edition of the catalogue.

Thanks, Sheila, for all your work on this, and thanks again to The British Council for the financial support which made this possible! We'll be announcing publication of Part 2 of the catalogue later this term (this will be a catalogue of genuinely 'archival' materials).

October 2009

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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