All entries for Saturday 18 August 2012

August 18, 2012

Recent publications and talks

News of some articles published and talks given recently which draw heavily on ELT Archive material:

* An article in ELT Journal on A.S. Hornby and his legacy to ELT

* an article in ELT Journal on the contribution of Brian Abbs and Ingrid Freebairn to the recent history of the ELT coursebook

* a talk at the IATEFL conference in Glasgow titled 'A very brief history of ELT coursebooks'

* a talk for the British Council, in Cardiff, titled 'A short history of ELT' (to be uploaded to their TeachingEnglish website)

* a talk at the University College London Summer School on English Phonetics, on 'Phonetics at the source of ELT'. See:

August 2012

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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