All entries for Tuesday 17 November 2009

November 17, 2009

First ever courses in TEFL at British universities

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Richard Smith gave a plenary talk at the QuiTE (Association for the Improvement of Quality in TESOL Education) annual seminar on Friday 13th November (see website link above). Tracing the history of UK university-based ELT teacher education and research training, he identified the following as precursors of current provision (both predating the first applied linguistics programme, at the University of Edinburgh (1957 onwards)):

First TEFL training course:

University College London, summer term 1917, taught by Harold E. Palmer:

Methods of Language Teaching


S 30. (Mr. Palmer.) How to teach English to Foreigners.

Third Term: Tuesday at 5.30

(Extract from UCL Calendar 1916-17, in UCL Archives)

First yearlong course:

Institute of Education, University of London, 1935-6, taught by Lawrence Faucett:

‘The year has been mainly devoted to the establishing of the course in the teaching of English to non-Western peoples.’ (Departmental report, Sept. 1936, in Institute of Education archives)

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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