All entries for Thursday 09 March 2023

March 09, 2023

Generating HERstory of ELT

Writing about web page

A year or two ago, I wrote this personal blog post concerned with raising the profile of women in the history of ELT:

HERstory of ELT: 'There are hordes of us, but less loudly sung'

That generated quite a lot of interest as well as some additional nominations for this web-page on 'Women in the History of ELT' which I created in parallel, as part of the Warwick ELT Archive Hall of Fame: built on previous interactions with Nicola Prentis, Shelagh Rixon, Scott Thornbury and Clare Lavery, too).

Given the interest the blog-post generated, I thought it might be good to put in a proposal on the topic for a workshop at the upcoming IATEFL conference in Harrogate. This was accepted for the first day of the conference, and I hope anyone who is in Harrogate and interested in collaborating further will come along:

TITLE: Generating HERstory of ELT
DAY:Tuesday 18 April 2023
LENGTH:45 mins
ROOM:Ripley Suite - Crowne Plaza

Here's what is promised: "This workshop addresses the lack of representation of women in conventional histories of English Language Teaching (ELT) by involving participants in actively investigating this area and collectively beginning to create an alternative account. Workshop tasks will involve investigating a number of notable women from the past, generating further questions for research, and planning for an ongoing collective project."

I'm hoping the session might be informative and enjoyably co-constructed, as well as a springboard for further, collaborative research!

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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