January 15, 2019

The benefits of walking and cycling

Writing about web page https://janetpaskeblog.wordpress.com/2019/01/14/phe-physical-activity-team-understanding-the-evidence-webinar/

I thought there might be a wider audience for this webinar from PHE’s Physical Activity Team “Cycling and walking for individual, population and health system benefits: a rapid evidence review for health and care system decision-makers.”

When? 29 Jan 1 -2 pm – registration here discussing the recent brief evidence review on walking and cycling, especially to benefit those with disabilities or long term conditions.

UK National Survey of E–bike Use and Potential Use

Writing about web page https://uwe.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/survey-of-e-bike-users-copy

Do you live in the UK, and have you ever used, or considered using, an e-bike (an electrically-assisted cycle with pedals)? If so, this survey is for you.

The research is being carried out by the University of the West of England (UWE). It is part of a wider project (REPLICATE) with local trials of e-bikes and other modes of transport in Bristol, UK, and some other cities. If you would like any more information about the project please contact: steve.melia@uwe.ac.uk or caroline.bartle@uwe.ac.uk.

E-bike sales have been growing; we certainly see more on the roads nowadays, but who is riding them, and why, or why not? Can you help us to find out? This national survey is being conducted by the University of the West of England, as part of this project. The findings will be used to write a report, and a brief summary for everyone who takes part; the
individual data will be kept confidential and will not be passed to any other party.

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Please email us if you want to know any more about the survey. Thank you for your interest.


We are interested in your responses even if you have not yet used an e-bike.

September 10, 2013

Cycle to work day

Writing about web page https://www.cycletoworkday.org

Thousands of people across the UK have already pledged to cycle on the 12th, will you join them?

September 09, 2013

Save a cyclist

Follow-up to Sustrans Route Planning Application from Cycling to and around Warwick University

These images show the position that a cyclist needs to adopt in the central reservation to wait while turning right. Several buses travelling at <20 mph came within 10 - 30 cm of the cyclist, note the bus wheel position relative to the central markings.


Now look at the position of these cars as they negotiate the corner.


white van




Other possibilities

Follow-up to Road design standards from Cycling to and around Warwick University

This is a very simple mock-up of how one BUG member thought this junction might be improved. I still have deep reservations and doubt the road is wide enough to accommodate this (buses will not be able to negotiate bollards on a corner safely and would risk hitting pedestrians or mounting the pavement).

September 08, 2013

Road design standards

The Sustrans Route has been designed to Transport for London and Sustrans guidelines, by Jaime Uriarte, Churchman Architects:




“Right-turning cyclists are exposed to danger when turning into or out of a minor road, both on the approach and when crossing. Turning movements both into and out of the junctions in all directions must be considered, not just on designated cycle routes. If satisfactory layouts cannot be achieved then small (cycle friendly) roundabouts or, as a last resort, signals, may be appropriate.”


“Acceptable solutions may include:

Central islands on the main road to assist cyclists turning in and out of side roads (can include short offside cycle lane)

Central refuges or entry treatments on side roads.

Junction tables to slow motor vehicles

Kerb realignment and build-outs to improve visibility, reduce motor traffic speeds and prevent parking close to the junction

Separate cycle approach lanes where there are high vehicle flows


Figure 4 suggests Cycle Lanes with traffic calming (i.e. raised table) might be viable.”


“Cycle lanes as such appear to have little impact on road safety targets, but *there is clear evidence of safety benefits in continuing lanes across junctions. *“


Gives min. traffic lane widths (I think the road fails here) and cycle lane widths (1.5 m, not marked currently, but really must be).

I have proposed making Uni Road one-way to traffic north-south which would allow provision of 1.5 m cycle lanes and help with problems at the Piazza entrance onto Uni Road, but it might have to be two-way again at Car Park 7 junction.

I have located the DFT Design Manual which must have some force and Vol 6 Sect 3 Part 5TA 90/05 states in 3.6:

“Any crossing of a trafficked road should be located such that drivers of vehicles have full visibility of NMUs wishing to use the crossing point. Desirable minimum SSD to TD 9 (DMRB 6.1.1) should be available for drivers on the highway approaching an NMU crossing point. “

Leaving aside the fact the road is not wide enough to accomodate two cars and a cyclist, never mind a bus on that bend, the lines of sight are obstructed by mature trees to the left and there is no visibility of approaching traffic for a cyclist until they are about 10 metres or so from the proposed junction.

Sustrans Route Planning Application

Writing about web page http://planning.coventry.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=747767

Planning application and documents here:


Architects drawings are here:


Please note the drawings of the right hand turn at Sports Centre corner are inaccurate in the dimensions of the traffic lanes, yet these have been interpreted literally in the version on the ground.

Bike route wrongsThis is where the road markings (as painted on Friday 6 September 2013) place a cyclist turning right. Whilst observing traffic on this corner (buses, taxis and cars) the cyclist looked extremely vulnerable and within touching distance of buses. Before cyclist took up this position we observed that 9 out of 10 vehicles cornering here cut across the white hatching markings on this bend.

September 07, 2013

Making it happen!

Follow-up to Developing effective alternatives to car commuting from Cycling to and around Warwick University

Some previous posts to the BUG blog are a great place to start for inspiration on how to continue attracting more people if you have little experience of cycling.


There some very positive suggestions that make it clear the biggest impediment to people not getting the car day after day is largely about perceptions, not civil engineering projects How do recent developments at Warwick fit into the big picture locally and nationally?

Sustrans Route and Cycle Coventry

Writing about web page http://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/200123/cycling/1798/cycle_coventry

Sustrans and Cycle Coventry have received significant funding to improve cycling provision in all sorts so ways around the City and Campus.

Additions to Sustrans Route 52 are under construction on campus and there are plans for extending the route to Canley and the A45 crossing at Canley Ford.

I will try and post more here as the details emerge – I do not currently have maps of what is being proposed and implemented.


Is only partially correct and the maps at


conflict with what I have seen elsewhere.

February 10, 2012

Cities fit for Cycling

Writing about web page http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/cyclesafety/contact/

This looks a very worthwhile campaign being run by The Times newspaper.

The Times Cities fit for cycling

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  • This is effectively the implemented design, which seems to be a big improvement. by Andrew Marsh on this entry
  • I spotted that myself yesterday and I think it's thoroughly excellent. The difference in terms of sa… by Simon Harper on this entry
  • I see that a couple of islands have been added to provide a waiting space in the middle of the road … by George Riches on this entry
  • Congratulations Andrew thanks for all the hard work. by Simon Harper on this entry

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