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November 09, 2009

Items for TSG

Follow-up to TSG agenda from Cycling to and around Warwick University

I have had a flurry of large and small suggestions, all excellent, to bring to Weds Transport Strategy Group:

1. Small works to improve cycle routes around campus woudl have a significant impact on safety of all campus users, on foot, cycle and car.
e.g. entrance / exit to Gibbet Hill cycletrack behind SU;
entrance / exit to shared use path between boilerhouse and University House.

2. Better web- and physical signage of routes for cyclists and pedestrians (some exists already).

3. Webtool for personal cycleroute planning as for recent pedestrian initiative.
Google pedometer is useful for planning cycle routes

4. Consider
The guarantee covers 5 areas, one of which is buying, which is the cycle to work scheme. The others are cycle storage, changing facilities, repair/maintenance facilities and
inspiring (including cycle training). Adoption of the full guarantee would be a good step towards encouraging more staff and students to take up cycle commuting to campus.

5. Updates on Sustrans’ cross-campus to Kenilworth route

6. Advertise 20 p per mile expenses claimable (or Cycle to Work scheme benefits) versus real costs of motoring.

7. Secure cycle parking still needs to be improved across campus.

8. Unforeseen consequences of the changes in campus car parking policy. Since the start of term (and the new parking policy) there has been a massive increase in on-road parking on Sir William Lyons Road and the residential roads leading from De Montfort Way. This has in turn lead to an increase in traffic and congestion on these roads and Lynchgate
Road during both rush hours (particularly the evening). As well as no doubt frustrating local residents, this makes these roads considerably less cycle friendly, which is particularly unfortunate as they form part of the most convenience cycle route between the campus and Coventry City Centre.

TSG agenda

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BUG has been invited to attend the Transport Strategy Group which will meet Weds 11th November and report by end December.

Terms of Reference are:

“To develop a coherent strategy for transport and travel designed to support increased use of alternative modes of transport to the car for journeys to and from the University for staff, students and visitors, particularly to reduce the number of single occupancy car journeys to campus and reduce congestion, in line with the University’s Green Travel Plan, Carbon Management Plan and other related responsibilities.”

I welcome any comments or specific suggestions from Bicycle User Group members to take to the meeting.

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  • This is effectively the implemented design, which seems to be a big improvement. by Andrew Marsh on this entry
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  • Congratulations Andrew thanks for all the hard work. by Simon Harper on this entry

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