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October 25, 2011

News for cyclists

Writing about web page

Cycle registration: free ‘D’ locks
Staff and students who register their bicycle during November can get one of a limited number of free ‘D’ locks to secure their bicycle. Constable Mick Parkes, the campus police officer, will be available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in November from 12-1pm outside the library to register bicycles.

Resurfacing: 24 October to 1 November
There will be a series of resurfacing-related works on campus from Monday 24 October to Wednesday 2 November. The works will affect the cycle path connecting main campus and Gibbet Hill, Health Centre Road and the Sports Centre car park (8a).

November 25, 2005

Campus Development

Writing about web page

There is now information on the above webpage on the future of cycling in the development of the campus.
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  • This is effectively the implemented design, which seems to be a big improvement. by Andrew Marsh on this entry
  • I spotted that myself yesterday and I think it's thoroughly excellent. The difference in terms of sa… by Simon Harper on this entry
  • I see that a couple of islands have been added to provide a waiting space in the middle of the road … by George Riches on this entry
  • Congratulations Andrew thanks for all the hard work. by Simon Harper on this entry

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