October 22, 2005

Right turn from University Road towards University House

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/estates/ct/programme/oa/transport/cycling/

From Sally Hicks:

My biggest complaint is about actually getting from University Road to
University House.
The "pathway" is signed as a cycle route but there appears to have been
no thought as to how one actually gets on to it.
I tend to either use the zebra crossing (my indication that I am
turning right is confusing since there is also a right turn into the
road to Car Park 15 ) or have to turn right on the bend (where the sight
line for oncoming traffic is not very good). Also, one is having to
"bump up " on to the pathway from the road.
I would welcome some signs to know where I should be turning and that
would also warn motorists that this is a point for cyclists to turn.

- 2 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Claudie

    I completely agree and email Hannah about this and also sent an email to BUG. I have that problem and think it's an accident waiting to happen.

    24 Oct 2005, 09:14

  2. Trevor Brown

    I do feel that the architect should be ashamed – the road is quite narrow, and the screening is very pretty but doesn't help visibility, I'll be cross if I get a pinch flat from the kerb…

    At the same time, though, it's not too bad. There's very rarely a car behind me as traffic generally goes the other way. Oncoming traffic is usually going quite slowly (possibly even less than 20mph).

    Plus any obvious 'solution' is lekely to involve unsightly and slippy lines.

    25 Oct 2005, 11:07

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